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Thread: Text-to-Speech Engines for Accessible files-

  1. #1
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    Default Text-to-Speech Engines for Accessible files-

    I've been trying to see which languages can be "listened to" in Acrobat Reader. Languages such as Arabic, Turkish, Japanese, German, etc....

    From what I've learned so far, if you want to listen to a PDF, you need to make sure that:
    1/You choose the right language in Acrobat.
    2/You have a Text-to-Speech Engine installed in your computer for the language you want to listen to.
    3/The pdf structure for Accessibility is correctly set (tags, etc...)

    Am I forgetting something?

    Do you know if Microsoft shares a database of Text-to-Speech engines (other than English and Spanish)?

    Thanks for the help.
    Last edited by nabylm; 09-28-2018 at 03:22 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default re: Text-to-Speech Engines for Accessible files-

    I found that Microsoft has a bunch of Engines that you can download online for free:
    It can be a good starting point....but we are still missing Arabic, Turkish, etc...

    To be continued.

  3. #3
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default re: Text-to-Speech Engines for Accessible files-

    Some of those languages are still in development phases.

    The main issue is that installing them in windows 7-8 can be quite problematic, not very user friendly.

    They did improve it for Windows 10 and later:

    On any edition of Windows 10, click Start > Settings, and then follow these steps:

    1. Select the Start button, then select Settings > Time & Language > Region & Language.
    2. Select Add a language and choose the language you want from the list. Only languages listed in the table below will have Text-to-Speech capabilities.
    3. After the new language has been installed (this may take a few moments), select it in the Region & Language list, and then select Options.

    4. Under Language options > Speech, select Download.

    5. Restart your computer. The Text-to-Speech voices will be installed when your machine turns back on.

    There's also Balabolka: Balabolka

    But you do need to download payed voice engines to make it really work.

  4. #4
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default re: Text-to-Speech Engines for Accessible files-


    Did you try it?

    Balabolka seems to work really good

    And the reader for Adobe PDF works well but on Windows10, I have to keep doing tests though for other languages.

    I have the news of another kind of software if you need:

    You could give a try too.

    Let us know!

  5. #5
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    Default re: Text-to-Speech Engines for Accessible files-

    Balabolka was reading fine, but the text seemed to be modified.
    Apparently, even on Windows 10, Arabic voices can't be downloaded and installed. I would have to try with MAC to see if it works.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Text-to-Speech Engines for Accessible files-

    I confirm the Arabic voice works perfectly in MAC! And it's very easy to install too! I think MAC offers 3 voices (for free). I'm still trying to prepare an Arabic accessible file for the Beta Test. I'll let you know how it goes

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