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Thread: Books vs. e-books

  1. #11
    Senior Member Julio Jaubert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gabriel
    Really? Push us? I mean, chaos theory says there are some behaviours we cannot predict, like that of the stock market or traffic because we would never be able to consider all the possible variables. The regular market might be more predictible, but look, for example, what happened with the laser disc technology. I don't know how the public could react to the change, but I wonder: do you think all the public who reads would go for it? I mean, there are some very technology-oriented people who might be so inclined, but there are others, a huge amount, that are kind of reluctant when it comes to technology. I guess a big part of the market might be risked with such a move. I don't mean to say it won't happen... it would be quite contradictory of my part. I'm just saying: who knows?
    But don't mind me. It could be just "wishful thinking" reasoning.
    Who knows?

    News on TV are fast, but they haven't replaced newspapers. I think any new invent has advantages and disadvantages. For example, not many people watch the TV news in a bench park because it isn't practical. When the airplaine was invented, many people tought these machines would replace cars. Of course airplanes are faster and can fly over the oceans, but cars are cheaper and they are faster for short travels.
    The only way an invent can be replaced totally by a new one, is that the new invent had all the advantages and none of the disadvantages of the first one. Think about cassettes and CDs: definetively I can't find a reason to use cassettes instead of CDs.

    What about if in the future somebody invents a screen with the appearance of a book. I mean, a kind of book with screens imitating covers and pages. Then, we could choose a novel or a scientific report, depending on the memory of the electronic device. Many books in one! It would be good for the environment! May be it's fantastic, but airplanes, robots and space ships were fantasy only a century ago.

    Who knows?

  2. #12
    New Member 'enry'iggins's Avatar
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    Default e riddle

    I have written an ebook A Day Well Spent. It is a farce containing also 3 riddles.

    Birds are many,
    And varied in kind,
    Some perch on a branch,
    Some perch on a line,
    But frighten them off,
    And one stays behind,
    Perched on a branch,
    And perched on a line,
    Or perchance he has left,
    His perches behind,
    To be found with another bird,
    Resting entwined,
    But the two birds in fact,
    Are not of a kind,
    And the kind of the first,
    Is the riddle in mind

    the answers to the riddles are forwarded by the characters in a festal passage of the novel, and they stumble to guess them also


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