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Thread: Any writers/¿hay algo de escritor(a) ?

  1. #1
    Forum User Diablo's Avatar
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    Default Any writers/¿hay algo de escritor(a) ?

    Yo soy escritor.
    Yo soy no publicaro. Yo escribir en inglés pero te como a en español .
    Especialmente porque yo soy escritor un cuento acerca de Diablo. Lo acerca de español piratos.

    I'm a writere. I have not gotten publish any way I'm to young. I would like to write my story Diablo in English and then again in Spanish. Since its about traveling Spanish pirates who find themselves in unpreditable situations.

    Es alli' escritor(a) aquí?

    Are there any writers here? If so what do you like to write and in what language?

  2. #2
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default ¿Hay algún escritor?

    Quote Originally Posted by Diablo
    Yo soy escritor.
    Yo soy no publicaro. Yo escribir en inglés pero te como a en español .
    Especialmente porque yo soy escritor un cuento acerca de Diablo. Lo acerca de español piratos.

    I'm a writere. I have not gotten publish any way I'm to young. I would like to write my story Diablo in English and then again in Spanish. Since its about traveling Spanish pirates who find themselves in unpreditable situations.

    Es alli' escritor(a) aquí?

    Are there any writers here? If so what do you like to write and in what language?
    Aquí van algunas correcciones:
    Soy escritor. No he publicado nada, de todas maneras soy muy joven. Me gustaría escribir un cuento sobre el Diablo en Inglés y luego en Español, porque se trata de piratas Españoles que se encuentran en situaciones impredecibles.
    ¿Hay algún escritor/a aquí?

    Hope it helps Diablo! Keep on practising. Any questions... just ask
    See you

  3. #3
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    Diablo, you gotta keep practicing that Spanish.
    Regarding your question, don't worry, it's never too late. You may get the book published sooner or later.
    I love writing but mainly poems and I don't think I will never get them published although it's not really my intention, just writing makes me feel great...
    Keep on the hard work!!
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  4. #4
    Forum User Diablo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SandraT
    Diablo, you gotta keep practicing that Spanish.
    Yo saber(I hope its that)
    Regarding your question, don't worry, it's never too late. You may get the book published sooner or later.
    I love writing but mainly poems and I don't think I will never get them published although it's not really my intention, just writing makes me feel great...
    Keep on the hard work!!
    I know it is. Sometimes I feel like a girl saying this(which is really embarrasing because well I'm a boy and would get punched and kicked for saying this) but I love writing it takes me places that I have never been before.
    It helps me escape reality and its fun just to go on a ride of your imagination. Its an amazing experience and I want everyone to share that experience with me.
    (Now after writing that I'm going to find a boulder to hide undeneath.)

  5. #5
    Moderator SandraT's Avatar
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    No! you don't have to hide for expressing your feelings. I am sure Shakespeare must have felt something a lot more profound than what you're saying and never tried to hide... so, keep on writing and let your imagination fly, who knows where it may take you...
    Realmente, el destino del mundo depende, en primer lugar, de los estadistas y, en segundo lugar, de los intérpretes.
    Trygve Halvdan Lie

  6. #6
    Forum User Diablo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SandraT
    No! you don't have to hide for expressing your feelings. I am sure Shakespeare must have felt something a lot more profound than what you're saying and never tried to hide... so, keep on writing and let your imagination fly, who knows where it may take you...
    But I'm generally a shy boy. I would get thrown in the mud by kids at my school if they heard me talk like that.

    Ode To Love

    Careless whispers jokes
    And companionship
    Cheesy satire in
    A mask parade

    Desperation, ***
    And ambition
    Flood hearts of
    Romantic lovers

    The full moon
    With a cozy
    Coach watching
    Tacky fifty movies

    Oh do I wish
    To do these
    Undoubted things
    Without minds consent

    But as you
    Are only my
    Spirit I can

    Only give you
    My breath and voice
    Though at times
    I wish to touch your
    Fair skin

    Does this
    Sound tacky and
    Desperate or is
    This, another Ode to

    I will bring
    You into my dreams
    Will you bring me
    Into yours

    Does this sound
    Tacky and desperate
    Does this make you mad
    Does this hurt
    You or am I the
    One bringing
    You down

    These questions will
    Always be locked
    Because you only
    Know my breath
    And key strokes

    I wish you
    I miss you
    Will never be

    This tacky poem
    Expressing my one

    My one love
    Who is here beside
    Me in spirit

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