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Thread: Cienfuegos

  1. #1
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    Default Cienfuegos

    I read the Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa books on CIENFUEGOS .
    And enjoyed them.
    Is the writer known in South America ?
    Have you ever heard of the legendary CIENFUEGOS ?
    Just wondering...
    Last edited by Frank van den Eeden; 06-03-2008 at 01:31 PM.
    beste groeten - sincères salutations - kindest regards - atentamente - mit freundlichen Grüßen

  2. #2
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cienfuegos

    Hello Frank!
    I've never heard about him, but just wait... maybe someone else has.

    Best regards,

  3. #3
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cienfuegos

    just you wait ‘enry ‘iggins, just you wait !

    Hi Mercedes,
    a few years ago (how time flies)
    I was on holiday in Spain and bought a book “Cienfuegos”, it was VERY good.
    I finished that book in one go...
    to find out that it was just the first part.
    I went back and bought the second book in the same shop,
    and found out again that there were five more books to follow.
    I had to order those, but my holiday was over,
    and friends of mine went to collect them for me afterwards.

    I also read one other book of his : Manaos.

    Alberto Vázquez-Figueroa has a lot to offer :
    -Como periodista
    corresponsal de guerra para La Vanguardia,
    también trabajaba para la TVE (Televisión Española).
    -Como escritor
    escribió “Arena y viento” con catorce años
    y después muchos libros de mucho éxito.
    ...Es uno des los autores más leidos por los presidiarios españoles.
    Él asegura que la razón es porqué la suya es una “literature de evasión”.
    -Como empresario e inventor
    Inventó un sistema para potabilizar el agua del mar por presión que genera a la vez energía eléctrica.
    Es el presidente de la empresa Desalinizadora AVF SL
    y construyó una desaladora en Jordania, proyectandosé una nueva para Almería.
    beste groeten - sincères salutations - kindest regards - atentamente - mit freundlichen Grüßen

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