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Thread: Is age a limit when learning a second language?

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Is age a limit when learning a second language?

    Apparently not, there's a myth that says that kids are better at a learning a second language but this might be only in some cases...

    I found this in wikipedia about this topic:

    The issue of age was first addressed with the critical period hypothesis. The strict version of this hypothesis states that there is a cut-off age at about 12, after which learners lose the ability to fully learn a language. This strict version has since been rejected for second-language acquisition, as adult learners have been observed who reach native-like levels of pronunciation and general fluency. However, in general, adult learners of a second-language rarely achieve the native-like fluency that children display, despite often progressing faster in the initial stages. This has led to speculation that age is indirectly related to other, more central factors that affect language learning.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Is age a limit when learning a second language?

    Hello Alfredo. I also believe that kids being better learners is a myth. You can read more about this topic in this interesting article: Why Children Aren

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