Hey, Vicente!
I agree with you. Dictionaries are changing a lot. They used to be a tool for learned people (or whoever willing to write properly) to look up terms. Nowadays they are more popular since they are the reflection of a certain speaking community.
Afér. de señor.
1. m. rur. Am. Tratamiento que se antepone al nombre de un hombre.
Del lat. mus, muris 'ratón' y caecŭlus, dim. de caecus 'ciego'.
1. m. desus. murciélago. U. c. vulg.
1. f. desus. albóndiga. U. c. vulg.
1. f. magdalena2.
1. f. desus. toalla (‖ pieza de felpa).
vagamundo, da
1. adj. p. us. vagabundo. U. t. c. s. U. t. c. vulg.
1. m. desus. octubre.
dotor, ra
1. m. y f. p. us. doctor. U. c. vulg.
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