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Thread: What is "mansplaining"?

  1. #1
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default What is "mansplaining"?

    This is a new word!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: What is "mansplaining"?

    The concept of Mansplaining was invented to describe the following action: when a man explains something to a woman, in a condescending way. Womansplaining does not exist yet... talking about gender equality

  3. #3
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    Default Re: What is "mansplaining"?

    An image speaks louder, so...

    Mansplainer 101.jpg

    If you still need some words, here's the article where I found that picture: TeenVogue

    Apparently, the word you are looking for nabylm is "femsplain"

  4. #4
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    Default Re: What is "mansplaining"?

    nice one solg!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: What is "mansplaining"?

    Here is a good use of the word, applied to the last Star Wars movie:
    Watch out - SPOILER ALERT.

  6. #6
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is "mansplaining"?

    ¡Qué bueno saber que compartimos los mismos defectos!

    De todas maneras, así como el machismo está muchísimo más extendido que el feminismo, hay muchos más mansplainers que femsplainers.

    Ahora que ya sabemos claramente a qué se refiere porque todos lo hemos padecido, aún lo padecemos y lo seguiremos padeciendo, ¿cómo se traduce al español?

  7. #7
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is "mansplaining"?

    Quote Originally Posted by nabylm View Post
    The concept of Mansplaining was invented to describe the following action: when a man explains something to a woman, in a condescending way. Womansplaining does not exist yet... talking about gender equality
    Almost EVERY time I hear a woman explaining something to me is in a condescending way. so... It actually does exist, HAS existed and will forever be. Just try and ask any woman to explain the difference between colors like Salmon, pink, coral and red.

    Now, if a homosexual man that works in fashion does mansplaining, is it still?

  8. #8
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    Default Re: What is "mansplaining"?

    Bueno Reminder, I'm not so certain that el machismo is more widespread than feminism.

    It is so common to see men portrayed as dummies in television and commercials while the women are wise and tolerant of their husbands stupidity.

    Seems to me that women have always been smarter than their husbands and when one exhibits some small amount of intelligence he is patted on the head like a child who has just done something successfully.

    Even in Star Wars Poe is shown to be dumber than he thought he was .

  9. #9
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    Default Re: What is "mansplaining"?

    Quote Originally Posted by eidjit View Post
    Almost EVERY time I hear a woman explaining something to me is in a condescending way. so... It actually does exist, HAS existed and will forever be. Just try and ask any woman to explain the difference between colors like Salmon, pink, coral and red.

    Now, if a homosexual man that works in fashion does mansplaining, is it still?

    No, I think women identify with gay men.

  10. #10
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is "mansplaining"?

    Hi, Vicente!

    Times are changing! You're right! As we all know, women were ALWAYS right... at home but outside their own homes, it's another story. Changes are like this, from one extreme to the other until they find the middle.

    Now Poe is certainly a leader who doesn't care for his team's lives. He ends up surrounded by bodies and he calls that a successful mission...

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