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Thread: "Learn him" "Learn them", Is this right?

  1. #1
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default "Learn him" "Learn them", Is this right?

    I came across "Learn him then Learn them" in a paper on fundamentals of teaching.

    The topic wasn't English Language, and it was wrote some years ago.

    Today at lunch the phrase rose again from it's deep sleep in the far regions of my mind.

    So my question is. IS THIS RIGHT?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: "Learn him" "Learn them", Is this right?

    It depends on the context and when it was written, eidjit.

    Without knowing who "him" and "them" are, I would interpret it as " Learn about him and then teach them "; as in "Learn about your subject and then teach"; however, in that context learn in the place of teach is incorrectly used in modern English.

    Learn is sometimes confused with teach. In fact, it was once used in the transitive sense ( He learned me how to read), and was acceptable from c.1200 until early 19c. ( from Old English lćran "to teach" ).

    So depending on when your paper was written it could be right.

  3. #3
    Moderator eidjit's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Learn him" "Learn them", Is this right?

    @vicente Much obliged!
    You have enlightened this deserted part of my mind with fresh clear knowledge!
    Hopefully anyone that reads this will be enlightened as well.
    So the question receives the answer in the shape of: This WAS right.
    Nevertheless adding context: This phrase was the name of one of the subtitles or maybe one of the featured parts of the article.
    The date of release, however, it's lost to my poor recall.
    Thanks again!

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