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Thread: Office jargon

  1. #1
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    Default Office jargon

    One for the laughs. Euphemisms people use at the office.

    I'll shoot first:

    What you say: "As per my last e-mail"
    Translation: "I clearly said so on my last e-mail, can't you read?"

    Keep 'em coming.

  2. #2
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    Talking Re: Office jargon

    Hey! This is really old... and so underappreciated!!

    So, I couldn't really think of a phrase, but there is one phrase that came to mind and really grinds my gears: "Please advise".
    Why do people use that for their emails? They blurt out some question, requirement or problem and end up with that. It comes across all wrong. (And, yes, I know. I am being completely oversensitive).

    I picture either someone really passive-aggressive (whose real intention is saying something along the lines of "and do be quick about it!"), or someone who is just too lazy to think up a closing phrase.

    BTW, I totally agree with the one you mentioned too! XD
    I'll try to think of others!!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Office jargon

    I read the other day that people should stop using "I hope that you are doing well" at the beginning of a professional mail. We really don't know how to start or close messages :O

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Office jargon

    Quote Originally Posted by danielr View Post
    I read the other day that people should stop using "I hope that you are doing well" at the beginning of a professional mail. We really don't know how to start or close messages :O
    I found that strange at the beginning too. It was hard for me to get used to writing something of the kind at the beginning of an e-mail but then a friend from London told me it was pretty common. So, now, I start my e-mails with "I hope this e-mail finds you well."

    Maybe I should stop? Who knows...


  5. #5
    Senior Member iyuanobi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Office jargon

    LOL, true, true. I´ve always struggled with the beginning of the letter. I usually, start it with a "how are you doing?" or "I hope everything is good." before heading to my request.
    I guess that is a politically correct thing to do to appear less aggressive when asking others to do something for you.

    What about:
    - "Looking forward to hearing from you!"
    Translation: Give me a response right now! Before I go crazy.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Office jargon

    I noticed that most of the time, the words we use at the office are mostly buzzwords that come and go, like cloud-based or blue-sky thinking...
    And they change and mutate. Fast. To the point where you get entire meaningless phrases that sound clever.

    Quick: Have you got a clicks-and-mortar scheme for handling new end-to-end, affiliate-based schemas?

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Office jargon

    Quote Originally Posted by solg View Post
    I noticed that most of the time, the words we use at the office are mostly buzzwords that come and go, like cloud-based or blue-sky thinking...
    And they change and mutate. Fast. To the point where you get entire meaningless phrases that sound clever.

    Quick: Have you got a clicks-and-mortar scheme for handling new end-to-end, affiliate-based schemas?

    I'm with Sol here. Jargon, most of the time, is void of meaning, or could convey the same meaning in a lot less words. But I guess you need to write a longer e-mail, so, you fill it up with filler...

  8. #8
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Re: Office jargon

    FYI, please find the WC for your PO in MS!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Office jargon

    I like the "Did you get my previous email?" as in "You could at least reply whether YES or NO, but at least something so I can stop loosing my time stupidly!!!".
    And then the classic reply is to say you didn't get it because your gmail is not working.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Office jargon

    A faulty gmail is indeed a classic, lol.

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