I know that you can create checklists in Xbench, does anybody know how to do it? What would be useful to create one?
I know that you can create checklists in Xbench, does anybody know how to do it? What would be useful to create one?
When you open your Xbench, you go to View>Checklist manager. A new tab will open. On left column, you do right click> New, and give a name to your checklist. This way you create a new Checklist. You can then go to the right hand column, right click>New. This way you create a new item to your previously created checklist. You give it a name, description, and what needs to be checked (Source-Target)
It is very useful for checking the punctuation rules for instance, that change from a language to another.
Last edited by nabylm; 02-24-2017 at 02:28 PM.
I need to create a checklist to control the use of capital letters after two points. Do you know which are the characters that Xbench needs to identify them? The case sensitive option is not accurate in this case.
I can't find the expression for "upper" or "lower" letter here:
If you find it, you can just put ": upper letter/lower code" in source and the same in the target, in your checklist.
I'm trying to think of another way...
Maybe with % to make it case sensitive and . to look for any character?
No, Xbench didn't recognize those instructions. The problem is that the file that I had to check didn't have an error that could be solve with automatic checks, but with manual verification of the spaces.
If you're searching for Capital letters with Regular Expressions, you can use the Regex Character Ranges Syntax [char_from-char_to], in that case: [A-Z] will match any Capital letter.
So you're searching for a Capital after "two points", you mean a colon or two consecutive dots?
Capital letter after two consecutive dots:
\.\. ?[A-Z]
Capital letter after colon:
: ?[A-Z]
I recommend to put " ?" (Space and question mark) between two points and the Capital letter because you Don't know if you'll have an space between.
Dots have an special meaning in Regular Expressions, so if you're searching for dots, you have to "escape" them with a Backslash (\) at their left.
Hi Salvadorm,
Thank you. I haven't found an appropriate file to test that expression. I am wondering if this is the right setting for capital letters after a colon that should be lower in the target:
Hi Maximiliano,
I will suggest searching solution for your issue in the docs of XBench.
Here is the solution for your problem -
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