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Thread: She 'don't' know...

  1. #1
    Senior Member Ezequiel's Avatar
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    Default She 'don't' know...

    I've always wanted to know why in some lyrics, texts or spoken english, people use 'don't' where ir should be 'doesn't'. I guess that (at least in song lyrics) it is a matter of space or rhyme, but I don't know if I'm right.

    Is it a languaje deformation or a well written sentence?

    I'm waiting for your answers!

    PS: As you may have guessed, I'm not a translator =P

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezequiel
    I've always wanted to know why in some lyrics, texts or spoken english, people use 'don't' where ir should be 'doesn't'. I guess that (at least in song lyrics) it is a matter of space or rhyme, but I don't know if I'm right.

    Is it a languaje deformation or a well written sentence?

    I'm waiting for your answers!

    PS: As you may have guessed, I'm not a translator =P
    Hola Ezequiel:

    You are correct. It is improper English which is very, very common in song-writing (at least here in the U.S.)It is a matter of convenience, rhyme and appeal to the audience. People do not seem to like formal English in their songs for some reason and will tolerate outrageous grammar and mis-use of the language.

    Does that happen in other languages? I know that I have had trouble translating some Spanish lyrics which don't always make sense to me.

  3. #3
    Senior Member lauracipolla's Avatar
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    very interesting question, ezequiel, and great answer, vicente!

    in my opinion, songs are an expression of feelings mostly, and feelings don't respect rules!!! that's why this happens.

    I mostly listen to music with English lyrics, but let me tell you guys there are some mistakes in songs in Spanish too. (I just now remember a song by our Charly García with a grammar mistake: "hoy desperté cantando esta canción que ya fue escrita hace tiempo atrás...": something like "a long time ago before", and we've ALL sung it with passion!!!)

    and, vicente, "lyrics that don't make sense"... hmmm... I guess we'll find MANY examples if we try!!! (can you think of some, ezequiel?)

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    "and, vicente, "lyrics that don't make sense"... hmmm... I guess we'll find MANY examples if we try!!! (can you think of some, ezequiel?)"

    Hola lauracipolla:

    OK, one of my favorite songs is Mariposa Traiccionera (Mana')

    Here is an excerpt:

    Mariposa traiccionera, todo se lo lleva el viento
    Mariposa no regreso

    Ay, mariposa de amor, mi mariposa de amor
    Nunca jamas junto a ti
    Vuela amor, vuela dolor
    Y no regreses a un lado. ...

    Would you translate this line. "Don't come back to anywhere or anyplace"?

    It doesn't make sense to me. It seems like it should be "No regreses a mi lado"


  5. #5
    Senior Member lauracipolla's Avatar
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    good example, vicente... I agree you should expect "no regreses a mi lado"... though "a un lado" could be translated to "to a place" or "to the side" - and none make too much sense either... the thing is you like it, regardless of its accuracy! I insist: feelings don't follow rules and songs are feelings put into words and accompanied by the music!

    maybe us "language freaks" should not mess with songs! just let our minds flow and our hearts sing them along without analyzing the grammar...

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    feelings don't follow rules and songs are feelings put into words and accompanied by the music!

    I agree with you 100% lauracipolla. We certainly should enjoy the music and not be too critical of the lyrics. I sincerely do enjoy the song, but it's a favorite, and that is the problem. I like to sing (to myself, of course,ajajaj) and when I'm singing or talking to myself I prefer to make sense

    I think that if the song were in English I would know what they intended the line to mean but in Spanish I do not yet have the capability to translate and understand Spanish as well as you do.



  7. #7
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Hi Exe, I think this is like the rappers including like a dozen negatives in one sentence:

    There ain't nothing he don't know.

    This is done in Spanish bakalá songs too. Or Puerto Rican slang.
    Last edited by exxcéntrica; 03-26-2008 at 10:23 AM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member Ezequiel's Avatar
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    Thank you all for your answers!!!

    I agree with Laura when she says that 'feelings don't follow rules' when it comes to songs. When I sing I really don't care much about the song making sense =P.

    In fact, I guess very few people care about languaje, and not only in the US... I remember this small British band that sang 'She's got a ticket to ride, and she don't care' and sold a couple of records anyway...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ezequiel
    Thank you all for your answers!!!

    I agree with Laura when she says that 'feelings don't follow rules' when it comes to songs. When I sing I really don't care much about the song making sense =P.

    In fact, I guess very few people care about languaje, and not only in the US... I remember this small British band that sang 'She's got a ticket to ride, and she don't care' and sold a couple of records anyway...

    Your comment about the Beatles made me start thinking and I have to admit that in spite of what I said earlier I have liked a lot of songs that made no sense at all. I've liked Bob Dylan, Simon & Garfunkel and plenty of others whose lyrics were totally non-sensical.

  10. #10
    Senior Member lauracipolla's Avatar
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    Cool improvising...

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    I like to sing (to myself, of course,ajajaj) and when I'm singing or talking to myself I prefer to make sense

    Vicente, I sing out loud a lot and talk to myself from time to time... and of course I'd rather make sense than not! But come on, admit it... haven't you ever sung anything silly that you just created out of nothing...?

    (Is that just me???)


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