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Thread: be over

  1. #1
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    Unhappy be over

    Hi, I´m trying to find diverse forms to say the same in an exercise.
    I think I am mistaken with this: Which is the meaning of TO BE OVER ?
    Reading: What exact date was World War 2 considered to be over or Danger is over now. I understand it would be : finalizado, que terminó. And, I also found to say completely done over with([FONT='Arial','sans-serif']I get the notes almost over. The notes are almost over (or over with)[/FONT]

    But, I´ve found that TO BE OVER SOMETHING is like superar algo, o recuperarse de algo, as in:[FONT='Arial','sans-serif'] He faces long road to be injury over. So, could anybody show me the right usage and, if there are, some other meanings?[/FONT]
    [FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Thank you for the time. [/FONT]

  2. #2
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    be over

    1. it is over, belongs to the past tense
    winter is over
    (informal) that's over and done with

    2. be (left) over : remain
    there's a little bit of fabric over

    3. be on a visit (particularly at great distance)
    be over at / with

    be over + all (informal)

    1. it's all over the office
    everybody knows about it

    2 the creep was all over me
    could not hold his hands off me
    my mother-in-law was all over me
    was welcoming me in an exaggerated way

    3 in the first quarter the other team was all over our side
    they were much better and out-classed us

    but “over” has so many meanings
    e.g. as you mention : to be over something (to get over something)
    beste groeten - sincčres salutations - kindest regards - atentamente - mit freundlichen Grüßen

  3. #3
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    Thank you, Frank, for your time. I am trying to understand the meanings and I´ll send a new thread to check them.
    Best regards.

  4. #4
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    Hello maramaras and Frank!

    Here are some additions to Frank's examples to help you form your own sentences.

    We were invited to a party over at Mary's house. (ir a un lugar)
    We had to be over there at 10 PM. (ir a un lugar)
    We were late and it was over by the time we arrived (terminar)
    I was sick with the flu (influenza) but I am over it now. (recuperarse)
    I was in love with a girl but I am over her now. (superar)
    We were both in love but it's over. (terminar)
    They were really in love but it's all over. (terminar)
    There is a nice spot for a picnic right over there. ( ir a un sitio)
    The concert will be over at midnight. (terminar)
    They will be singing for over four hours. (mas de)
    WE sold over ten bicycles today. (mas de)
    My grandmother is over 100 years old. (mas de)
    Let's take a drive over to mama's house. (ir a un lugar)
    That horse can jump over that fence and that fence is over four feet high. (saltar,subir) (altura)
    I went walking in the forest and now I have bug-bites all over my body.
    I asked some friends over for dinner. (venir a un lugar-casa)
    why do you keep saying the same thing over and over again? (repetición)
    I'm over here and she's over there. (posición)
    The movie is being held-over for another week. (prolongar)
    The war is over, the party's over, the dance is over, the fun is over. (terminar)
    The bird flew right over my head and landed over there and a cat sneaked over and ate him then got sick all over the sidewalk.
    I cooked dinner but The meat is over-done. (condición)
    The woman is over-wrought with emotion. (emoción)
    She was over-whelmed by the response of the crowd. (emoción)
    I exercised today but I'm afraid I overdid it. (esfuerzo excesivo)
    I lost my homeworks papers and now I have to do it over.(repetir)

    Get over it! (dicen de alguien que obsesiona)
    Get it over with!(se refiere a algo desagradable que no quiere prolongar)
    Get it over! (igual, terminar a algo, no necesariamente desagradable)
    Last edited by vicente; 06-03-2008 at 12:56 AM.

  5. #5
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    Oh, my God!!, thank you Vicente.

  6. #6
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    Well,my first tryings are over here. Are you ready?
    People had been saying, I guess, “Thanks God, the war is over”NT='Verdana','sans-serif']
    She could see some water over in the glassFONT='Verdana','sans-serif']
    Tom has been away the last two weeks. He was over at his parents´ in TurkeyFONT='Times New Roman','serif'] [/font][/font]

    Citizens in Argentina are expecting the divergence between the Government and the farmers were over by these days.
    Prices in Argentina are raising over 60 percent each week; that´s why we all hope the country strike were over.
    They were singing that awful song over and over again
    I made several mistakes in my sentences, so, I think I´ll have to rewrite (write?) them over.
    I know I cannot use over so many times, but I am only practising with this one:
    This English learning is amazing. I am over-eager for finishing(finish?) my working day and sitting(sit?) in front of the PC at nights. I sleep very few hours a day, I sometimes think I am overdoing with this, but I also hope that it will be the day I might have it over. A certificate will be mine and it will certainly be such an overhelming achievement.
    I wait on your patience. Thank you.
    Best regards.


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by maramaras
    Well,my first tryings are over here. Are you ready?
    People had been saying, I guess, “Thank God, the war is over” Good'

    She could see some water in the glassFover on the table.

    Tom has been away the last two weeks. He was over at his parents´ in Turkey =Good (it would sound better to say "over in Turkey at his parents' house".)
    "over at his parents' house" suggests that the house is closeby but it is not. It is in Turkey so you say over in Turkey. This will be confusing. It is one of the MANY subtleties of the use of the word "over" which will require much, much practice to understand.

    Citizens in Argentina are expecting the divergence between the Government and the farmers to be over soon

    Prices in Argentina are raising (rising) over 60 percent each week; Good; that´s why we all hope the country strike will be over. Good

    They were singing that awful song over and over again. Perfect

    I made several mistakes in my sentences, so, I think I´ll have to (write?) them over. Perfect; ("rewrite" and "write them over" mean the same)

    I know I cannot use over so many times, but I am only practising with this one:
    This English learning is amazing. I am over-eager to finish my working day and sit in front of the PC at night. I sleep very few hours a day, I sometimes think I am overdoing this, but I also hope that I might soon have it over. A certificate will be mine and it will certainly be such an overwhelming achievement. Good work!!

    I wait on your patience. Thank you.
    Best regards.

    Keep up the good work maramaras. You are doing great!

  8. #8
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    Vicente: I´ve been working a lot several days, that´s why I didn´t answer you soon.
    I thank you so much for your help.

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