Hi, I´m trying to find diverse forms to say the same in an exercise.
I think I am mistaken with this: Which is the meaning of TO BE OVER ?
Reading: What exact date was World War 2 considered to be over or Danger is over now. I understand it would be : finalizado, que terminó. And, I also found to say completely done over with([FONT='Arial','sans-serif']I get the notes almost over. The notes are almost over (or over with)[/FONT]
But, I´ve found that TO BE OVER SOMETHING is like superar algo, o recuperarse de algo, as in:[FONT='Arial','sans-serif'] He faces long road to be injury over. So, could anybody show me the right usage and, if there are, some other meanings?[/FONT]
[FONT='Arial','sans-serif']Thank you for the time.[/FONT]