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Thread: Whingin' POM

  1. #1
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    Default Whingin' POM

    Can anybody down there tell me if the term "Whingin' POM" carries the same weight as "bloody wanker" in British English?

  2. #2
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    Dear Elmeromero,

    No actually, it doesn't. POM is a term that Australians use for British people. I've heard it means "prisoner of Mother England" and it denoted the British convicts that were sent to populate Australia. This may be true, although no one really knows where it came from, but it denotes British people. Sometimes it is used as the diminutive "Pommie", as in "Pommie bastard". It is used sometimes in a derogatory way.

    There is the idea amongst Australians that Poms (British people) are always complaining (whinging) about everything in Australia. There is where the term "whinging POM" comes from.

    "Bloody" comes from "Jesus' blood", which in English is a swear word, and "wanker" is "someone who masturbates", so these two terms that you mention in your message are vastly different. I wouldn't recommend you say them to an Australian or a British.



  3. #3
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    Default Apologies

    I'd like to apologise if I have caused offence to anyone by my use of inappropriate language in my last entry. I am very interested in Australian English, and this includes Australian slang, which can be quite colourful sometimes, but some of the terms may offend speakers of other languages. I thought the questions were interesting and I wanted to give a good explanation of the terms. Sorry if I offended anyone.


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