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Thread: homework-how would you fill in these blanks?

  1. #11
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: homework-how would you fill in these blanks?

    Quote Originally Posted by mem286
    Good point my dear friend! I completly agree with you!
    Well, I couldn't agree less. If this forum wants to keep its serious standard it is essential that requests like this stay unanswered, until the minimum we might expect is given: the forer gives her/his best try.

    I am a teacher, not a translator, and trust me, you are not HELPING this poster in the least and certainly not her learning nor her teacher!

    Justamente mi amiga Exx ... su pedido fue muy cortéz y honesto. No le veo lo malo en ayudar a alguien que se trabó en unas palabras. Eso no quiere decir que le vamos a hacer la tarea a medio mundo, pero sí que cada uno de nosotros es libre de contestar si así lo desea.
    En efecto, cada uno es libre de hacer de este foro lo que le de la gana. Así es

    Y por muy cortés que sea un pedido no por eso es menos útil poner al final "I hope it helps" si le has hecho SU trabajo!

    Lo siento, pero no estamos de acuerdo.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: homework-how would you fill in these blanks?

    Entiendo tu punto Exx, y comparto el criterio de que no se ayuda a las personas haciendo la tarea por ellas. Pero en este caso, le di el beneficio de la duda a Madgelina cuando dijo que intentó 30 oraciones y tuvo problemas con 5 o algo así. En este caso entiendo que ella hizo el esfuerzo y pidió ayuda con las oraciones que no pudo realizar por su cuenta. Me pareció que merecía ser ayudada


    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: homework-how would you fill in these blanks?

    Hebe, solo te quedan 5...y no quiero señalar el qué....

  4. #14
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: homework-how would you fill in these blanks?

    Quote Originally Posted by exxcéntrica
    Hebe, solo te quedan 5...y no quiero señalar el qué....
    Hahaha cuando llegue a la meta voy a experimentar toda una sensación de "accomplishment"

    Kind regards

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

  5. #15
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: homework-how would you fill in these blanks?

    Siiiii, Hebe!! Ya estás ahí nomás...

    Chicas, please, no es para tanto Exx. Yo muchas veces he respondido que no hacemos tarea y muchas veces he ayudado a hacerlas también. En este caso coincido con Hebe y con Vicente, no posteó 30 oraciones... hizo el esfuerzo y no le veo nada de malo en ayudarla.

    Aún así, Exx. cada uno es libre de responder los hilos que desee...

  6. #16
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    Default Re: homework-how would you fill in these blanks?

    With due respect to everybody here, until the administrator of this board makes it a policy not to accept "homework" requests and they become subject to deletion I will continue to help people who ask for help if I choose to do so. If this had been an improper post I, as a moderator, would have deleted it...but it does not fit the criteria for deletion and therefore it is perfectly proper for members to answer the poster's questions. To try to dictate what we read and write here is improper...and has been addressed previously. It is tantamount to censorship. Each member may and should decide for themselves without being intimidated by other members with differing opinions.

  7. #17
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: homework-how would you fill in these blanks?

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    With due respect to everybody here, until the administrator of this board makes it a policy not to accept "homework" requests and they become subject to deletion I will continue to help people who ask for help if I choose to do so.
    As I said before, vicente, you can do as you wish, it is not my call. I will however continue to express my opinion as well as you do, dear.

    And I think my opinion is quite clear on this subject and I will certainly not allow anybody to even try to "shut me up".

    I insist that it is no help if you do work (namely homwork) for others who do not learn anything if you do their work for them!

    However, if you find it pleasing to do other people's work, that is up to you. Just dont think you are helping a student if you are doing their work for them!

    If this post had been posted on forums I moderate ,,I would not have deleted it either but would have given the same opinion.

    Each member may and should decide for themselves without being intimidated by other members with differing opinions.
    I am surprised that you of all people should be intimidated by anybody. I am certainly not

  8. #18
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: homework-how would you fill in these blanks?

    Quote Originally Posted by exxcéntrica
    I am surprised that you of all people should be intimidated by anybody. I am certainly not
    hahaha Exx. I'm sure he's not talking about himself!! You know that...

    BTW, no one is trying to shut you up (?) Your opinions have always been respected. Do you think you can do the same?

    Best Regards,

  9. #19
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: homework-how would you fill in these blanks?

    Quote Originally Posted by mem286
    hahaha Exx. I'm sure he's not talking about himself!! You know that...
    He is not??
    Your opinions have always been respected.
    First of all , I dont think so, and I dont think that is essential at all, mem, at least not to me. I will express my opinion anyway.

    Do you think you can do the same?
    No, mem, I do often not respect others opinions, which should not really bother anybody.

    I respect those which deserve respect. Not everybody does, neither does everybody's opinion.

  10. #20
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: homework-how would you fill in these blanks?

    Quote Originally Posted by exxcéntrica
    No, mem, I do often not respect others opinions, which should not really bother anybody.

    I respect those which deserve respect. Not everybody does, neither does everybody's opinion.
    My dear friend... Just one more thing and I'm done with this matter. In my opinion, Hebe and Vicente deserve that respect, since they decided to answer this thread.

    Best regards,
    Last edited by mem286; 03-20-2009 at 05:47 PM.

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