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Thread: Urban dictionary

  1. #11
    Forum User cuchito_cuchito's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Urban dictionary

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    Sorry folks, but I think anybody who is serious about learning English should be warned about this site and be very cautious in relying on it as a reference source.
    If you use urbandictionary, beware.
    Here's another sort of URBAN DICTIONARY but for Spanish language.
    I think it will be useful for Vincent if he visits an 'hispanian' country and try to understand over the Metro, for example, what's people are talking about.

    Here it's:

    Search the word "mina" (mine) and be lucky.

  2. #12
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    Default Re: Urban dictionary

    Thanks cuchito_cuchito. Actually, I have known about jergashablahispana.org for several years and we have mentioned it on the forum in other threads about slang.

    I visit hispanic countries frequently and I have never had any problem understanding or conversing in the language. Most of the people I associate with do not use an a lot of slang.

    I hope I am not misunderstood here. My purpose in warning about urbandictionary is to help those who are learning English avoid taking their words and definitions too seriously because it is full of intentional and unintentional errors...and jokes that might not be recognized as a jokes.

    In my opinion, knowing all the slang of a particular language is useful as a translator and for reading books/watching movies but it isn't all that useful in normal business or social use unless you associate with the type of people who use it.

    We all use slang at times but it is not only crude but potentially dangerous for a non-fluent speaker to use much of what they think they understand, especially street slang. It might seem "cool" to some but unless you know exactly what you are saying it can be offensive or foolish sounding.

  3. #13
    Forum User Blonda's Avatar
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    Default Re: Urban dictionary

    Quote Originally Posted by vicente
    Sorry folks, but I think anybody who is serious about learning English should be warned about this site and be very cautious in relying on it as a reference source.

    Urbandictionary is not a dictionary. While it might be of some use in finding a slang term it is also a collection of many non-existent words and phrases as well as real words with warped definitions applied by, and voted on, by contributors who appear to have the mentality of junior high school kids with their minds in the gutter. They invent ridiculous words and definitions for legitimate words that are supposed to be funny in the hope their inventions will garner positive votes. Some are so obscene and perverted that I wouldn't even cite them here.

    Here is an example of the silliness:

    This is the language spoken by terrorists.
    That guy was speaking terrific, i couldnt understand a word he was saying.

    Very funny, no? And very mis-leading to a person learning English who might not realize it is intended to be a joke.

    If you use urbandictionary, beware.

    hahah yeah, but it's like using wordreference or wikipedia... or when you look up a word in the Oxford dictionary and you find 10 different meanings. If you're fluent in both languages you can tell what the right answer is...It's a matter of common sense.

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Urban dictionary

    All legitimate dictionaries in both languages list words that have many different meanings but that doesn't make any of them wrong so you do not have to be fluent in both languages to decide which is the "right" answer because they are all right. Real dictionaries do not create words and definitions for the hell of it or just to get a laugh and that is the trouble with urbandictionary. It is not a wise reference choice for serious students learning English, whether they possess good common sense or not, because they are not yet fluent.
    Last edited by vicente; 04-15-2010 at 03:59 PM.

  5. #15
    Senior Member lauracipolla's Avatar
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    Default Re: Urban dictionary

    Let's say it: urbandictionary is not the Bible -it's mostly fun. It can be a reference tool, as michelleba notes, for bilinguals, for professionals searching for a special expression (I have to say it was of use for a translation I had some time ago, with lots of slang terms I couldn't find anywhere else).

    But I agree that it's not a good idea that learners of the language use it to learn -even if they are capable of applying common sense. It would be similar to learning any language through phone texts or emails... Ridiculous!

    Common sense is not a bad idea at all, in anything , but not so necessary in using dictionaries as in choosing the right one for each ocassion.

    (But in any case, everybody has to do their own path in learning... right?)

  6. #16
    Forum User cuchito_cuchito's Avatar
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    Smile Re: Urban dictionary

    Quote Originally Posted by lauracipolla
    (But in any case, everybody has to do their own path in learning... right?)
    That's right!

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Urban dictionary

    I've been hearing people talk about about "throwing shade". I have no idea what that means. I know it's some new slang. I went to "urban dictionary" and I found this Urban Dictionary: shade.

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