Sorry folks, but I think anybody who is serious about learning English should be warned about this site and be very cautious in relying on it as a reference source.
Urbandictionary is not a dictionary. While it might be of some use in finding a slang term it is also a collection of many non-existent words and phrases as well as real words with warped definitions applied by, and voted on, by contributors who appear to have the mentality of junior high school kids with their minds in the gutter. They invent ridiculous words and definitions for legitimate words that are supposed to be funny in the hope their inventions will garner positive votes. Some are so obscene and perverted that I wouldn't even cite them here.
Here is an example of the silliness:
This is the language spoken by terrorists.
That guy was speaking terrific, i couldnt understand a word he was saying.
Very funny, no?

And very mis-leading to a person learning English who might not realize it is intended to be a joke.
If you use urbandictionary, beware.