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Thread: Wikidioms - interesting project of multilingual translation of idioms!

  1. #1
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    Default Wikidioms - interesting project of multilingual translation of idioms!

    Dear All,

    Let me introduce to you WikIdioms (http://www.wikidioms.com) - a crowd-source project of multilingual translation of idioms, phrasal verbs, expressions and other kinds of collocations.

    The site contains now circa two thousand expressions in several languages and is rapidly growing due to the efforts of our fellow translators.

    I invite you to visit the site and use it for your needs, or even contribute!

    Regards, Anna
    Last edited by annekeAnna; 08-01-2010 at 11:40 AM.

  2. #2
    PIM is offline
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    Default Re: Wikidioms - interesting project of multilingual translation of idioms!

    Algunos terminos estan bien, otros no tanto!! ....Por ejemplo algunas expresiones tienen la traduccion solamente a algunos idiomas y no en todas aparece el español.
    Ejemplo a nice piece of change.....no tiene la traduccion al español.
    No se si es tan util. De todas formas gracias por tu aportem y en algunas situaciones saque a mas de uno de algun apuro.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Wikidioms - interesting project of multilingual translation of idioms!

    Hi, I don't speak Spanish..Unfortinatly I can't understand your comment..

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