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Thread: a strip call optios

  1. #1
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    Question a strip call optios

    Please caould you help to clarify this, i'm very confused with the mining of strip in this prase.
    the sentence is:
    a strip of quarterly maturing australian dollar call options were purshased.
    se adquierieron opciones de compra en dolares vencimiento trimestral
    Any help will be welcome

  2. #2


    Maybe this helps...

    strip (PIECE) noun [C]
    a long flat narrow piece:

    a narrow strip of land
    He didn't have a bandage, so he ripped up his shirt into thin strips.
    Protect the magnetic strip on your credit card from scratches, heat, damp or other damage.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Avig, a regards options, a strip is an option contract made up of 2 puts and one call.

    Hope this helps
    Last edited by Hebe; 03-15-2007 at 02:59 PM.

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  4. #4
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    In this context, they mention specifically that they are call options so it may mean something different. A strip can refer to multiple options that cannot be sold separately. E.g.

    You have 4 call options. One matures in June 07, one in September 07, one in December 07 and one in March 08. You can use the term strip to say that you cannot buy, or sell these options individually, but must buy them altogether.

  5. #5
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    In this context, they mention specifically that they are call options so it may mean something different. A strip can refer to multiple options that cannot be sold separately. E.g.

    You have 4 call options. One matures in June 07, one in September 07, one in December 07 and one in March 08. You can use the term strip to say that you cannot buy, or sell these options individually, but must buy them altogether.

    Here is an article including the definition: http://www.cbot.com/cbot/pub/page/0,3181,1993,00.html
    Last edited by DavidJ; 03-16-2007 at 01:22 PM.

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