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Thread: Write off

  1. #1
    Senior Member Veronica's Avatar
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    Question Write off

    Hi everyone!!

    Here is a subject that I am not familiar with.
    I have this term and the definition, but I need a translation

    Write-off: pasar a pérdida. Reducir o eliminar el valor de un activo.
    Write-off: to charge an asset amount to expense or loss, in order to reduce the value of that asset and one's earnings.

    Is there a specific term in Spanish?
    How can I translate balance write-off?

  2. #2
    Senior Member exxcéntrica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Write off

    Verónica, parece mentira ...¡¡sin contexto!!!

    Pone la frase y te diremos. Normalemente es cancelación (de un crédito)

  3. #3
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Write off

    Quote Originally Posted by Veronica
    Write-off: to charge an asset amount to expense or loss, in order to reduce the value of that asset and one's earnings.

    Is there a specific term in Spanish?
    How can I translate balance write-off?
    Sí Vero, de acuerdo a tu definición es "amortizar" o "amortización"

    Balance write-off es la cancelación, amortización o anulación del saldo pendiente o monto pendiente en el balance.

    Hope it helps!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Write off

    Quote Originally Posted by Veronica
    Hi everyone!!

    Here is a subject that I am not familiar with.
    I have this term and the definition, but I need a translation

    Write-off: pasar a pérdida. Reducir o eliminar el valor de un activo.
    Write-off: to charge an asset amount to expense or loss, in order to reduce the value of that asset and one's earnings.

    Is there a specific term in Spanish?
    How can I translate balance write-off?
    Hola Vero, cuando se trata de deudas, el mejor equivalente para write-off como lo mencionó nuestra gran< amiga Mercedes es "amorzación", pero el término contable en español aplicable para las definiciones que nos diste es castigo.

    Hope it helps

    Best regards

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  5. #5
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Write off

    amortización / castigo / anulación / cancelación

    Cualquiera de estos términos son correctos chicas... Ya tenés para elegir Vero!! jaja Suerte!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Veronica's Avatar
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    Default Re: Write off

    I couldn't give more context (or I didn't dare) because of a tight NDA agreement.
    But finally, the client chose "cancelaci&#243;n", which was the one already there, luckily!!
    Thanks everyone!

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