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Thread: a return on their capital

  1. #1
    Contributing User
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    Default a return on their capital

    A ver si alguien me ayuda a resolver está traducción.Me he liado totalmente al principio "that banks are looking not only for a return on their capital but also a return of their capital".
    Muchas gracias!.
    Business owners must recognize that banks are looking not only for a return on their capital but also a return of their capital. It is no surprise that in an economic downturn industries like the food and accommodations represented by restaurants and motels have the toughest time getting business loans.
    Los propietarios comerciales deben reconocer que los bancos estudian no sólo por una devolución de su capital sino también una devolución de su capital. No es ninguna sorpresa que en industrias de descenso económico como alimentación y alojamientos representados por restaurantes y moteles tienen el tiempo más difícil en conseguir préstamos comerciales.

  2. #2
    Registered User pazonova's Avatar
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    Default Re: a return on their capital

    Para mi, "return on capital" suena más como "rendimiento del capital". ¿Qué te parece "rendimiento de su capital"?

  3. #3
    Forum User pames's Avatar
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    Default Re: a return on their capital

    Quote Originally Posted by IBERIA
    A ver si alguien me ayuda a resolver está traducción.Me he liado totalmente al principio "that banks are looking not only for a return on their capital but also a return of their capital".
    Muchas gracias!.
    Business owners must recognize that banks are looking not only for a return on their capital but also a return of their capital. It is no surprise that in an economic downturn industries like the food and accommodations represented by restaurants and motels have the toughest time getting business loans.
    Los propietarios comerciales deben reconocer que los bancos no sólo buscan rentabilidad sobre su capital sino también una devolución de éste. No resulta soprendente que en épocas de recesión a industrias como la alimentación y el alojamiento, representados por restaurantes y moteles, les resulte más difícil en conseguir préstamos comerciales.


    Hope it helps!!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: a return on their capital

    Coincido con Veronica. Otra opción sería:

    "Los Bancos no solo buscan redimientos sobre sus capitales sino el reintegro de sus capitales"

    Hope it helps !.

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: a return on their capital

    Return on Capital ROC is nothing other than Return on Equity. Capital is used for Partnerships and Equity for Corporations. So it is slightly confusing how can a Partnership trade in Stock Exchanges or have stocks in the firsrt place. Leaving aside the confusion, since we are dealing with stocks Return on equity is calculated from Earnings report or Income statement and Balance Sheet of a corporation that has shares traded in the Stock Exchange. Take out the Net Income from Income Statement and Stockholders Equity from the Balance sheet divide the former by the latter you will get Return on Equity. I was about to send you some OTC stock recommendation but was lazy for a few days. Luckly I didn't have to do it see the Market crashed.

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