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Thread: consultas legales

  1. #1
    Forum User
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    Unhappy consultas legales

    Soy yo de nuevo. Este material me está sacando canas! No soy del área legal, he tratado de traducir estos términos, pero no tienen sentido en español. Agradeceré mucho su ayuda.

    Federal Employer Identification Number
    (Número de Identificación Federal del empleador?)

    (Apoderado general?)

    trust beneficiary


    Compliance Department

    See specific addenda to Affiliate Agreement for specific states as to statutory purchasing limitations, buyback rules and other restrictions, disclosures and additional Affiliate rights and responsibilities. In any state with a business opportunity statute, required expenditures during the first six (6) months shall not exceed the statutory amount that initiates applicability of the state business opportunity statute.


    Internal Revenue Service. I know that this is IRS and the main department is Departamento del Tesoro, but I am not sure about how to translate IRS. (Servicio Interno de Redito/renta??)

    Business Pursuit

    properly executed Affiliate Application and Agreement,
    (Solicitud y acuerdo propiamente ejecutado?)

    Corporate Governmental Compliance

    Judgments and Tax Liens

    Subpoenas Duces Tecum

    De nuevo, agradezco su ayuda

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Hola Melissa, aquí va un pequeño aporte; espero que te sea de utilidad
    Saludos ¡!!!

    Ø Federal Employer Identification Number: Número de Identificación Federal del empleador

    Ø trustee: fideicomisario

    Ø trust beneficiary: Beneficiario de Fideicomiso

    Ø trust: Fideicomiso

    Ø Compliance Department: División de Fiscalizaciones ( es la división encargada de verificar el cumplimiento de las normas tributarias

    Ø Internal Revenue Service. Servicio de Rentas Internas

    Ø properly executed Affiliate Application and Agreement: Solicitud y acuerdo de Afiliación propiamente ejecutado

    Ø Judgments and Tax Liens: litigios y embargos fiscales

    Subpoenas Duces Tecum: citación de tribunal

    Last edited by Hebe; 04-25-2007 at 10:43 AM.

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

  3. #3
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    Smile Consultas legales

    Gracias Hebe! Muy amable

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