Hola a todos! Cómo les va?![]()
Bueno, les cuento!. Estoy realizando una prueba de traducción para una agencia de España que se dedica exclusivamente a las traducciones jurídicas, y tengo problemas con 2 cositas:
1- “…On appeal, the court upheld the decision to dismiss the case, ruling that the doctrine of unclean hands did not bar the defendant art gallery’s laches defense despite its alleged knowledge of the painting’s questionable provenance and its failure to investigate it further prior to purchase. The court correctly pointed out that the gallery’s alleged failure to make reasonable inquiry into the background of the painting before buying it in 1999, and its alleged creation and use of a false provenance to help resell the painting, did not prejudice the plaintiff.
Though the court in Wertheimer determined that plaintiff’s initial efforts of several years (later abandoned) in trying to relocate his stolen art, which included listing it as stolen with an official registry and contacting officials of numerous European governments, did not constitute ‘due diligence,’ what is necessary for due diligence remains unclear.”
You (the “Consignor”) hereby consign to Christie’s the property identified on the attached schedule, as amended from time to time, (the “Property”) which Christie’s, as the exclusive agent for the Consignor, will offer for sale at public auction, unless otherwise agreed, subject to the provisions set forth below and Christie’s standard Conditions of Sale and Limited Warranty in effect at the time of the auction. In the event of a conflict between the Conditions of Sale and Limited Warranty, on the one hand, and this Agreement, on the other hand, the terms of this Agreement shall control.”
Lo que quisiera saber es si saben donde puedo encontrar algún modelo de resolución de apelación y de consignación en castellano, pero tener algo como referencia ya que nunca hice este tipo de traducciones.
Desde ya agradezco toda la ayuda que me puedan dar!!