Hi! I have a doubt reagarding these words and phrases (I'm talking about property)
ownership and duties toward property
security interest (garantía?)
first priority status in the property
Thank you!
Hi! I have a doubt reagarding these words and phrases (I'm talking about property)
ownership and duties toward property
security interest (garantía?)
first priority status in the property
Thank you!
Hi Patry,
security interest: garantía real, derecho real de garantía
first priority status in the property:tener el derecho de preferencia sobre la propiedad. (the individual who enjoys that status -a creditor- has first priority over the claim of any other of general or secured creditor)
duties towards the property: obligaciones hacia la propiedad.
In Spanish, a security interest is defined as "derecho de vender un inmueble para satisfacer una deuda".
I have seen it translated into the terms Piru indicated: garantía real, derecho real de garantía (as well as derecho de garantía real), but I have also seen it as garantía prendaria, and would like to know which term is correct, and what the differnces among these terms are.
Thank you!
Last edited by Azraelle; 09-09-2006 at 08:22 AM.
"Garantía prendaria" is a pledge on a movable asset. The "garantía real" in general may include real estate given as collateral as well.
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