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Thread: Indicted and Arraigned

  1. #1
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    Default Indicted and Arraigned

    Hola amigos. I need your help translating the words Indictment and Arraignment. For example: "The defendant was indicted by a grand jury, and will be formally arraigned in court this morning."

    I have read and have been told by some that "Indictment" is "Procesamiento", and "Arraignment" is "Instruido." Is this right?

  2. #2
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Indicted and Arraigned

    Quote Originally Posted by Justice
    Hola amigos. I need your help translating the words Indictment and Arraignment. For example: "The defendant was indicted by a grand jury, and will be formally arraigned in court this morning."

    I have read and have been told by some that "Indictment" is "Procesamiento", and "Arraignment" is "Instruido." Is this right?
    "Indicted" acusado formalmente
    "Indictment" acusación judicial

    "Arraignment" audiencia preliminar, comparecer ante el juez para la lectura de cargos (donde el imputado se declara culpable o inocente).

    Hope it helps!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Indicted and Arraigned

    Yes it does! Thanks!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Indicted and Arraigned

    Hi Justice, in addition to MEM's valuable contribution, I would add that a posisble translation to your sentence would be

    "El acusado fue hallado culpable (indicted) por el jurado y será sentenciado (o se le dictará sentencia) formalmente en el tribunal en la mañana de hoy".

    Hope it helps !!
    Last edited by Hebe; 10-09-2008 at 11:28 AM.

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  5. #5
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    Default Re: Indicted and Arraigned

    I appreciate your suggestion, but how can that be if being Arraigned and Sentenced are two totally different things?

  6. #6
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Indicted and Arraigned

    Quote Originally Posted by Justice
    I appreciate your suggestion, but how can that be if being Arraigned and Sentenced are two totally different things?
    Not really Justice. Being Arraigned means that the person is to appear in court to hear his(her) sentence . Unless the Charges have not been read yet and the person in question has not been found guilty (convicted) yet.

    But I don´t think this is de case, becasue the person is being called "defendant", that means the trial is already in process
    Last edited by Hebe; 10-09-2008 at 11:44 AM.

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  7. #7
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Indicted and Arraigned

    Quote Originally Posted by Justice
    I appreciate your suggestion, but how can that be if being Arraigned and Sentenced are two totally different things?
    Not really Justice. Being Arraigned means that the person is to appear in court to hear his(her) sentence . Unless the Charges have not been read yet and the person in question has not been found guilty (convicted) yet.

    But I don´t think this is de case, becasue the person is being called "defendant", that means the trial is already in process

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  8. #8
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    Smile Re: Indicted and Arraigned

    Right. I need to keep in mind that the meaning of "Arraignment" can be translated depending on the court proceedings. Thank you!

  9. #9
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Indicted and Arraigned

    From the Oran Law Dictionary

    To bring a defendant before a judge to hear the charges and to
    enter a
    plea (guilty, not guilty, etc.). [pronounce: ah-rayn]

    Arraignment See arraign.

    From Diccionary Jurídico Inglés Español

    Arraign: Llevar a un acusado ante el juez para inculparle de las cargas que se le atribuyen y que declare su culpabilidad o inocencia

    Arraignment: acusación, demuncia, procesamiento

    "... comparecerá ante el Juez para la lectura de cargos en una audiencia preliminar" (that's the idea) Do you get it now?

  10. #10
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Indicted and Arraigned

    Quote Originally Posted by mem286

    "... comparecerá ante el Juez para la lectura de cargos en una audiencia preliminar" (that's the idea) Do you get it now?

    I do get it Mem, but tell me, how can someone be indicted (acusado formalmente) by a Jury when it is not a Jury's place to acuse (press charges on) someone; but rather to determine whether that person is guilty or not. To the best of my knowledge a Grand Jury's decision is only issued after a fair trial and long after the charges have been read. In addition, a person is merely a suspect and not a defendant until a lawyer has been assigned (or chosen by the party in question) and the trial for the defense begins. Dont tou think?

    Maybe there is a factor here that I don´t understand

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
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