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Thread: Indicted and Arraigned

  1. #11
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Indicted and Arraigned

    Look at this:

    What is Arraignment?
    Arraignment is a hearing in court in which the defendant is formally charged with an offense, given a copy of the complaint and informed of his or her constitutional rights. The defendant enters a plea of Guilty or Not Guilty at this hearing.

    What is a preliminary hearing?
    A preliminary hearing is not a trial. It is a hearing in front of the judge in which the prosecutor, the defendant, the defense attorney, and any subpoenaed witnesses present the evidence in the case. The judge will then decide if there is enough evidence in the case to sustain the felony charge. A jury is not present in this hearing the judge alone makes the decision.

    What is a Grand Jury?
    A grand jury is a type of jury which determines whether there is enough evidence for a trial. A grand jury listens to evidence presented by a prosecutor and investigator and then decides if there is enough probable cause to believe that the accused person actually committed the crime. Prosecutors usually submit a statement of proposed charges known as an “indictment” to the grand jury. The prosecutor then leaves the jurors alone and they decide if the evidence gives them probable cause to believe the accused person(s) named in the indictment are guilty of the charges brought against them. If a majority of the jurors vote for the indictment, it is “returned” and initiates a criminal case against the accused.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Indicted and Arraigned

    Ahh entiendo Mem , se trata de un juicio de mérito o de causa probable, en ese caso esta oración

    "The defendant was indicted by a grand jury, and will be formally arraigned in court this morning",

    Yo la traduciría asi:

    "las causas de juicio fueron ratificadas por el jurado prelimimar (??? ) y el acusado será citado a comparecer ante el tribunal en la mañana de hoy para la lectura formal de los cargos.

    Esperemos mas propuestas ...

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

  3. #13
    Senior Member mem286's Avatar
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    Default Re: Indicted and Arraigned

    Quote Originally Posted by Hebe
    Ahh entiendo Mem , se trata de un juicio de mérito o de causa probable, en ese caso esta oración

    "The defendant was indicted by a grand jury, and will be formally arraigned in court this morning",

    Yo la traduciría asi:

    "las causas de juicio fueron ratificadas por el jurado prelimimar (??? ) y el acusado será citado a comparecer ante el tribunal en la mañana de hoy para la lectura formal de los cargos.

    Esperemos mas propuestas ...
    Así lo entiendo yo también Hebe, pero para "defendant" usaría "el demandado", es decir, "El demandado fue procesado por..." ¿qué te parece?

    El caso del Grand Jury me llevó a investigar. Por lo que he visto la mayoría lo traduce con el Gran Jurado porque es lo más común y porque no tiene equivalente en la legislación local, pero... varios enlaces lo citan como "Jurado de acusación" , te paso algunos:

    Sería muy buena la opinión de un abogado


  4. #14
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Default Re: Indicted and Arraigned

    Si amiga, sería muy interesante. Mi complicación es que en el sistema jurídico venezolano solo existen ante-juicios de mérito en lo político adminsitrativo. No así en materia penal ni civil.

    Tu opción del demandado" queda perfecta xcuando se trata de na demanda, pero quizás no sería muy apropiada en los casos penales, cuando el indiciado es un homicida, violador, etc.

    Saludos !!!!

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

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