I am translating an agreement and there is a parapraph I hace problems with.
Here it is:
(iv) That the Vendor has made full disclosure concerning all matters relating to the assets and liabilities of the Company and that the Vendor warrants that there is no liability or other matter than as disclosed to the Purchaser in writing that could result in any claim or demand being made against the Company or against the Vendor which might prejudice the rights of the Vendor to dispose of the Shares of the Company, and further indemnifies the Purchaser and the Company against all claims, losses, expenses and demands arising from any such liability and/or matter.
And here is my attempt, can you tell if you see something wrong?
Que el Vendedor ha hecho divulgación completa/ veracidad fiscal/ una completa declaración de las partes del contrato con respecto a todos los asuntos relacionados con los activos y pasivos de la Empresa y que el Vendedor garantiza que no hay responsabilidad u otro asunto aparte de lo revelado al Comprador por escrito que pudiera traer como consecuencia alguna reclamación o demanda hecha en contra de la Empresa o en contra del Vendedor, que pudiera perjudicar los derechos del Vendedor para disponer de las acciones de la Empresa y...
I cannot translate the rest, help me please