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Thread: Translating Text spanish to English Please :)

  1. #1
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    Default Translating Text spanish to English Please :)

    hey guys i need t o translate this
    please guys its important

    no google translator :s
    ill apprecate it too much..

    thanks !

    ella me da la ilucion de que existe en su mirada el verdadero amor , ella alumbra mi corazon como una estrella la que admiro y sueño que aunque no sea mia yo la amo cada dia, contando las horas para verta y adorarla..tantas cosas en comun creo que dios puso mis ojos en tu luz me esta matando la impaciencia estoy perdiendo tu precencia por siempre hablarte y escucharte sierro los ojos me provoca amarte, mil emociones quiero expresarte que estemos juntos hasta desconformarte...
    ella mi vida mi estrella tu mi corazon

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Translating Text spanish to English Please :)

    This isn´t written very well in spanish to begin with. Here is the literal translation of your text. It needs much work. Good luck

    She gives me the illusion that in her stare true love exists, she lights my heart like a star that I admire and all though she will not be mine I dream of loving her each day, I count the hours to see her and adore her…so many things in common I believe God put my eyes in your light, my impatience is killing me I am loosing the presence to talk to you always and to listen to you I close my eyes I am provoked to love you, a thousand emotions I would like to express so we could be together until I can undue you….She is my life and my star, you are my heart
    Last edited by eldoradonycom; 12-12-2009 at 01:43 PM.

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