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Thread: Agency of record

  1. #1
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    Default Agency of record

    Hi my friends! When translating a marketing press release I came across this term agency of record which I find difficult to translate into Spanish. Even though I've been told that it is quite common to use this term in English, somebody working at Ogilvy advised me to use "agencia de manejo de cuenta (integrada)". Has anybody seen this before? Merry Xmas to all my fellow colleagues!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Agency of record

    What about "agencia de grabacion" Hope this help!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Agency of record

    Ohhhh!!! No, no, no! It's a term used in advertising (marketing) which has to do with the advertising time and budget management for an account. Nice shot anyway! ;-)

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Agency of record

    Advertising agency that coordinates the purchase of midea time and space for a large corporation that is likely to have a number of different agencies handling the various divisions and products. Appointed by the advertiser, this agency makes all the corporate media contracts and receives payment from the other agencies involved (usually 15% of their 15%), for the media placement of their advertising.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Agency of record

    Thanks Alexis! Do you think that the translation used was right? (agencia de manejo de cuenta)

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