Necesito una opinión. Como se traduce correctamente:
Resaltamos la belleza que hay en ti.
Puede ser:
We will highlight the beauty in you.
We will bring out the beauty in you.
Sugerencias por favor.
Necesito una opinión. Como se traduce correctamente:
Resaltamos la belleza que hay en ti.
Puede ser:
We will highlight the beauty in you.
We will bring out the beauty in you.
Sugerencias por favor.
Hola Yani, ambas traducciones son correctas, creo que se ve y se oye mejor la primera "We will highlight the beauty in you".
Gracias por la pronta ayuda.
Buen día!
I personally prefer ¨We will bring out the beauty in you¨.
In English to highlight someones beauty sounds strange. We tend to highlight more books then people
Yo también me quedo con la segunda opción.
I believe "We will bring out the beauty in you" would be the better form of translation from Spanish to English.
I concur with the others, the second one sounds better. "Highlight" sounds too literal.
I don´t really think beauty salons are in the business of enhancing ones inner beauty. I´m not sure if using the word enhance really conveys the best message in this context. This word is generally used for machines such as cars and computers.
I thought in "Enhance" too, is a beauty word, but the meaning is diferent, "Highlight" or "Bring Out" means something like "make more visible" and "Enhance" means "Improve", however, still being a good slogan "We will enhance the beauty in you".
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