I don't understand to what egress this sentence refers to. Can somebody help me please?
The exodomain of the second transmembrane glycoprotein, the neuraminidase (NA), exerts sialolytic enzymatic activity and liberates virus progeny captured at the surface of infected cells during egress. This function prevents viral aggregation during egress, and possibly also facilitates the drifting of the virus through the mucus layers of the targeted epithelial tissues leading to viral attachment
El exodominio de la segunda glucoproteína de transmembrana, la neuraminidasa (NA), ejerce una actividad enzimática sialolítica y libera la progenie de virus capturada en la superficie de las células infectadas durante el egreso.
How can I put it to explain this egress? because as you can read it in the following sentence.s it is repeated. Thanks a lot