Hi people! What word would you prefer to translate "visit" (visit to the doctor)
"consulta" or "visita"?
Hi people! What word would you prefer to translate "visit" (visit to the doctor)
"consulta" or "visita"?
Hi Marlene!
I think that "Consulta" is more used than "visita". "Visita" sounds more literal translation to me...
Yep, I would go with consulta too, unless it is used in some other Spanish speaking country. I'm from Argentina and I wouldn't know.
Trabajo de interprete en un hospital de ninos. Este tema ya fue conversado con muchos interpretes de Argentina, Colombia, Cuba, Nicaragua, etc ... y claro, mejicanos. Llegue a la conclusion de que lo mejor, si se trata de una tarduccion para USA es usar "CITA". porque es lo que mas se usa en Mexico y al ser la comunidad hispanoparlante mas numerosa, es bastante referente.
Al menos, aca, en Seattle, la usamos todos los interpretes. Aun aquellos chilenos o argentinos que no la usariamos en nuestros paises.
I am also a medical interpreter and interpret for people all around the country as well as in the Seattle area. Many Spanish speakers I interpret for say, "Quiero una consulta con el medico" or "Consulte' con el medico". In addition, the doctor's office is called "consultorio". Still, when I ask someone if they want an appointment, I tend to use "cita". Consulta technically means "consultation".
I would prefer "cita" (for appointment) for the one that has been scheduled, for a specific date and time. "Visita/consulta" would work for something for generic.
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