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Thread: physiotherapy technical terms

  1. #1
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    Default physiotherapy technical terms

    i had an ultrasound done on my groin in the UK , but i am living in spain now and i need the results from the ultrasound translated to spanish, can any one help?

    The lump on the medial aspect of the right upper thigh corresponds to the adductor longus muscle which shows internal and morphologic changes associated with partial rupture. The rupture involves the most posterior component of themuscle, with the retracted muscle fibres causing some increased heterogeneity locally within the muscle substance and an increase in tissue density centrally, which in turn causes some focal, dense acoustic shadowing. there is also local bulkng of the muscle fibres around the retracted component with rounding of the inferior contour, which represents the visible and palpable swelling, the most anterior component of the adductor longus remains intact and appears normal .

  2. #2
    Contributing User
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    Default Re: physiotherapy technical terms

    Dear schembrich, I’ve translated your text just for the sake of your health, yet, I beg you to bear in mind this is not a free translation site. The site is just intended to receive commentaries and feedback on our work and interests.
    My very best regards

    Médicamente, la protuberancia en la parte superior del muslo derecho corresponde a la masa del músculo abductor alongado mostrando alteraciones internas y morfológicas asociadas con un desgarre parcial. El desgarre afecta la parte extrema posterior del músculo, con las fibras musculares contraídas provocando localmente un crecimiento heterogéneo en de la masa muscular y un aumento en la densidad del tejido interno, que a su vez provoca focalmente algún ruido sónico de consideración. La fibra muscular, también presenta un crecimiento anormal localizado en el contorno inferior de la masa muscular contraída, siendo esta la protuberancia visible y palpable. La parte extrema anterior del músculo abductor alongado permanece intacta.

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