Hello everybody, Can somebody help me to translate "Sickle
Cell Annemia" in spanish, also "Nurse Practicioner". Thanks
Hello everybody, Can somebody help me to translate "Sickle
Cell Annemia" in spanish, also "Nurse Practicioner". Thanks
Puedes consultar el término en: http://www2.uah.es/biomodel/model1j/...anocitosis.htm
En cuanto a "nurse practitioner", puedes ver este enlace y decidir:
According to Fernando Navarro (Diccionario Crítico de dudas inglés- español de medicina) sickle cell anemia may be translated as 'anemia drepanocítica' or 'anemia de células falciformes', and nurse practitioner may be 'enfermero(a) practicante.Originally Posted by laura5b2g
I hope I'm not too late
All the best
I agree 100% with Eulalia. Also, be careful when spelling anemia (just on "n")![]()
Would a "practicante" be equivalent to a "paramédico"?![]()
Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
Gordon B. Hinckley
A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse having completed advanced education and training. I would translate it as a Licenciado en Enfermería (as far as I know, a career studied in Mexico and Argentina).
Best to all!
I like In-house´s option. It sounds very logical![]()
Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
Gordon B. Hinckley
"Sickle cell anemia" es "Anemia Falciforme", porque los glóbulos rojos se deforman y parecen medias lunas. Es una enfermedad estudiada por los genetistas ya que sigue la herencia mendeliana, si la habré tenido que estudiar! jajaja
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