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Thread: Struggling with "ground-driven pumps"

  1. #1
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    Question Struggling with "ground-driven pumps"

    I've tried numerous computerized and human translators but never seem to get the right translation. So, any help would sure be appreciated.

    The term "ground-driven pump" is an agricultural product. It is a pump that is driven (literally powered) by a wheel that rolls along the ground. This wheel turns a cog which turns a chain which powers the pump. The entire apparatus is pulled behind a tractor as a means of applying fertilizers and herbicides to farm plants. You can see a ground-drive here: JD Skiles - Ground Driven Pumps

    HELP please! Muchos gracias.

    Merrry Christmas!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Struggling with "ground-driven pumps"

    Hola, Netcentic.

    Realmente tuve que navegar bastante para meterme en este tema tan específico de agricultura.

    Encontré "bomba de arrastre" que parece tener las características que se describen en tu traducción.

    Te dejo un enlace de esta página en español:

    sembradoras y pulverizadoras de arrastre

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