I help teach ESL at the Adult Education Center in my town and my spanish isn't so great... it's getting there.. but one of the guys needed this quiz translated.. its for his work... THE WORDS LOCKOUT AND TAGOUT (ALSO LOCK AND TAG) DO NOT HAVE TO BE TRANSLATED.... JUST THE OTHER WORDS(it's a true/false quiz)
1. In a lockout, an energy isolating device is locked in a safe or off position.
2. In a tagout, the energy isolating device is placed in the safe position with a written warning attached to it.
3. The authorized employee should notify all affected employees after he/she has locked out the equipment.
4. An energy isolating device is a mechanical device that physically prevents the release or transmission of energy.
5. Each individual employee can decide whether to use lockout, tagout or both.
6. Applying a tag in the right place de-energizes the equipment.
7. Turning off the power switch removes all potential for release of energy from the equipment.
8. Once the lockout has been applied, it is safe to immediately begin service or maintenance work.
9. It is possible for the autorized employee and the affected employee to be the same person.
10. Before lockout/tagout is applied, all workers in the affected area must be notified.
11. Before you turn off equipment in order to lock or tag it out, you must know what type of energy it uses.
12. In a group lockout, the authorized employee removes all locks after everyone has left the area.
13. It may still be necessary to control stored energy in a system even after the system has been isolated from its main power source.
14. Anyone can remove the lock of a worker who is not available to remove his own lock.