¿Sería una traducción correcta de "pressure vessel" "cuba de presión"?
¿Sería una traducción correcta de "pressure vessel" "cuba de presión"?
Hi Whirlwind, welcome to the forum!!
Could you give more context? Is it related to blood vessels?
No, it is related to a geothermal power plant. In fact this word does not appear in a specific context, it appears in the index as "design of pressure vessels" and afterwards it does not appear in the text.
Thank you.
I've found this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pressure_vessel
and I would translate it as "recipiente/tanque de presión". I hope it helps.
Last edited by Faraó; 01-16-2009 at 11:19 AM.
y a qué Spanish "flavor" lo estás traduciendo?
Hi, Whirlwind.
I've found "recipiente a presión" as well in some glossaries.
Hope it helps!
Que os parece tanque presurizado.
"Pressure vessel" = "ca'mara de presio'n"
Sí, esta es la que por lo menos en el campo de la ingeniería es la que utilizamos y parece estar dentro del contexto ingenieril para una Planta Geotérmica de Poder o Electricidad.Originally Posted by Sergi
Good one Sergi!
Spanish: Mexico
Field: Oil Drilling
Sources: Semarnat (Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y recursos Naturales), PEMEX (Petróleos mexicanos)
Suggested Translation: "Recipientes sujetos a presión"
Comment: This term is widely used in Ciudad del carmen, Campeche, Mexico, as trasnalated above. I do not know if it would be applicable for the aforementioned field or country. Hope this helps.
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