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Thread: Le français est-il une des langues les plus difficiles ??

  1. #11
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    Default une des langues les plus difficiles

    my wife did modern Greek
    and that is WAY more difficult than French or Spanish (at least my opinion)

    ¡ it's all Greek to me !

  2. #12
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    Default All languages are difficult but...

    All languages are difficult.

    Spanish and french grammars contains a lot of things and exceptions.
    I think that all latin languages are rich in grammar: existence of many tenses (subjonctive, etc...), existence of gender and all the exceptions.

    I've been teaching french, and I also had the opportunity to see japonese people try to speak french. And one true fact is that french pronunciation is difficult. Mainly for all the nasal sounds that it has : like UN or AN...

    One other fact coming from that is that it makes it difficult to write, as same sounds can be written in different ways. An example : UN and IN or AIN are pronounced exactly the same.

    Does it make it one of the most difficult languages ?
    Does anyone know ? haha

    I hope this post will be help

    Vincent - French (hehe)

  3. #13
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    Hi all, i give my little contribution to this topic.

    I think French, German, Spanish, Italian and almost all of latin derivation languages are quite difficult, i believe for the great numbers of little differences of verbs in accordance with the time you have to talk to...in italian we got 3 or 4 kinds of futures, a lot of pasts, incredible varieties of condictionals and things like this (as i think in french, spanish and so on)...it's quite complicated and not all of italian people are able to handle di knowledge. Cannot tell about chinese, japanese and oriental languages 'cause they are too different.

    At the same time, our languages are really complete and if you know them well you can say exactly what you want to say..if you know what i mean.

    Ciao, have a nice day (buona giornata)

  4. #14
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    Qui est le plus complexe, la langue ou l'être humain ?!
    Who's more elaborate, complicated, language or the human being?!
    L'existence est tellement incroyable que par définition une langue ne peut être simple, l'être humain lui non plus, pourtant rien de plus simple !
    Existence is so amazing that in essence a language can't be simple, the human being either, yet nothing more simple!
    Mais il est vrai qu'il y a des langues plus simples que d'autres. L'être humain aime se compliquer la vie !
    But it's true that some languages are easier than others. The human being like to make his life complicated.
    Oui le français est complexe. C'est ce qui le rend intéressant et donne de grandes possibilités pour jouer avec la langue !
    Yes, french is complicated. It makes it interesting and gives many great posibilities to play with the language!
    Sans la complexité on en serait encore à l'homme des cavernes ! (on en est pas loin !)
    Without complexity we would still be a caveman ! (we are not far from it!)

  5. #15
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default The complexities of language

    Well, I am delighted to read your post, just today...

    I really congratulate you on your deep thoughts about the human being and language. Who could deny it? And your conclusion is so simple: since the human being (emotions, attitudes, behaviour) is so complex, his products (language) are complex, too. The products share the features of the "manufacturer".

    I really like this conclusion!!

    Thanks for sharing it!!

  6. #16
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    What I found really challenging in the French language are certain gutural sounds that we don't have in Spanish...Those are really difficult to grasp.

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