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Thread: Joe Dassin

  1. #1
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    Default Joe Dassin

    Some impressive family !

    Joe Dassin (1938 – 1980) famous French singer.
    Son of Jules Dassin, famous film director who made, among other movies : Never on Sunday.
    Jules Dassin later married that film’s leading actress Melina Mercouri.
    Melina Mercouri in the end became Greece’s (first female) Minister for Culture.

    JOE DASSIN - Les petits pains au chocolat

    Tous les matins il achetait Every morning he bought
    Son p'tit pain au chocolat
    His little chocolate roll
    La boulangère lui souriait
    The baker’s daughter smiled at him
    Il ne la regardait pas
    He didn’t look at her

    Et pourtant elle était belle
    And nonetheless she was pretty
    Les clients ne voyaient qu'elle
    The customers only had eyes for her
    Il faut dire qu'elle était
    It must be said she was
    Vraiment très croustillante
    Really very crunchy
    Autant que ses croissants
    As much as her croissants
    Et elle rêvait mélancolique
    And she dreamt melancholily
    Le soir dans sa boutique
    The evening in her shop
    A ce jeune homme distant
    About this young and distant man

    Il était myope voilà tout
    He was short-sighted that was all
    Mais elle ne le savait pas
    But she didn’t know that
    Il vivait dans un monde flou
    He lived in a hazy world
    Où les nuages volaient bas
    Where the clouds were flying low
    Il ne voyait pas qu'elle était belle
    He didn’t see that she was pretty
    Ne savait pas qu'elle était celle
    Didn’t know that it was her
    Que le destin lui
    That destiny
    Envoyait à l'aveuglette
    Sent him unseeingly
    Pour faire son bonheur
    To make him happy
    Et la fille qui n'était pas bête
    And the girl who wasn’t stupid
    Acheta des lunettes
    Bought spectacles
    A l'élu de son cœur
    For the one chosen by her heart

    Dans l'odeur chaude des galettes
    In the smell of hot galettes
    Et des baguettes et des babas
    And French loaves and babas
    Dans la boulangerie en fête
    In the bakery in festive atmosphere
    Un soir on les maria
    One evening they were married

    Toute en blanc qu'elle était belle
    All in white how beautiful she was
    Les clients ne voyaient qu'elle
    The customers only had eyes for her
    Et de leur union sont nés
    And from their union there are born
    Des tas des petits gosses
    Many little kids
    Myopes comme leur papa
    Short-sighted like their daddy
    Gambadant parmi les brioches
    Leaping about the brioches
    Se remplissant les poches
    Filling their pockets
    De petits pains au chocolat
    With little chocolat rolls

    Et pourtant elle était belle
    And nonetheless she was pretty
    Les clients ne voyaient qu'elle
    The customers only had eyes for her
    Et quand on y pense
    And when you think of it
    La vie est très bien faite
    Life is very well made
    Il suffit de si peu
    It only takes as little
    D'une simple paire de lunettes
    As a pair of spectacles
    Pour rapprocher deux êtres
    To bring together two beings
    Et pour qu'ils soient heureux.
    So they can be happy.

    Last edited by Frank van den Eeden; 06-07-2008 at 05:41 PM.
    beste groeten - sincčres salutations - kindest regards - atentamente - mit freundlichen Grüßen

  2. #2
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default Some family!

    Very interesting! I see that your posts are not only about extra-funny jokes, but also about extra-interesting material!!

  3. #3
    Senior Member Frank van den Eeden's Avatar
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    MUCHAS GRACIAS reminder.

    You make me very happy with your remark.
    I am retired and have plenty of time ... and that shows !

    para mí una palabra amable vale un mundo.
    un saludo,
    beste groeten - sincčres salutations - kindest regards - atentamente - mit freundlichen Grüßen

  4. #4
    Moderator reminder's Avatar
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    Default A kind word

    Thanks so much for your bilingual message!!

    Your message was the perfect way to begin my day!! A really kind and thankful message!! Not my first one, though, to be honest.

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