Ayuda con una cancion por favor
Hello My name is David,im writing from spain,sorry but my english is not very good...i have a problem and i think that someone can help me,i want to give a cd to my girlfriend with the lyrics of one song writen,i cant found the lyrics in internet,in the cd book dont comes,i try to listen the song more times and write the lyrics but i cant and i am desperate and i ask for help here.
I dont need the translation only the lyrics writen in english,im sure that someone can help me and dont use more than 5 minutes in write the song and i would be very grateful.
I leave here the link of the song and my mail for anything,lots of thanks
YouTube - Pride - Princess for one night
[email protected]
Muchas gracias a todos por adelantado y pido disculpas a los administradores ya que no sabia donde poner este post de ayuda,saludos desde espaņa.