Hello! Is there someone who might be so kind to translate this into spanish? Would really appreciate your help! Greets Ps. Sorry for the strange topic - have my head in the clouds but changed it already
Hello! Is there someone who might be so kind to translate this into spanish? Would really appreciate your help! Greets Ps. Sorry for the strange topic - have my head in the clouds but changed it already
Last edited by allana; 08-28-2010 at 06:18 AM.
The translation would be something like this: "Estoy buscando a una mujer que odie ver y que, aún así, ame verla partir"
I'm looking for a woman who I hate to see go and yet love to watch leaving
Estoy buscando una mujer a la que odie ver partir pero que ame al verla partir
You are right. My translation was incorrect, since I was looking at the title of the thread:
I'm looking for a woman who I hate to see but love to watch leaving
However, I think that this is some kind of translation that needs to be a little bit more original and less literal. This is some kind of pun, something like "que odie verla ir, pero que ame verla partir"...it's a little bit tricky
wow great !! here it goes:"Estoy buscando una mujer a la cual yo odie verla partir y todavia ame el mirarla abandonar"
good luck!!
Thats fine, In spanish "a la cual yo" can be replaced by "que" ; "que" in that instance works as demonstrative pronoun as "which" does in english. te verb conjugation "ame" contains the pronoun "yo". so it stands your choice depending how much explicity the speaker tries to comunicate.
Estoy buscando una mujer a quien odie ver partir, aunque disfrute al verla alejarse (something more poetic :-))
That,s good gentle, I like how does it sound
I think what you're trying to say is: Busco una mujer que odio que se marche pero amo ver marcharse.
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