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Thread: Be cool!

  1. #1
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    Default Be cool!

    Hola and Hello! I am translating a series of educational brochures on health related issues for school age children. I am a bit stuck in "Be cool! Eat smart! Make smart choices and Chips and sweets are treats" I need some neutral Spanish translation and all I come up with is some sort of slangish terms. Help!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Be cool!

    Hey there.. Ive been frying my brain trying to come up with sth, and I also can only think of slang Argentinian lines.. Like canchero... But after a while i thought.. Hasnt cool become an international term? Couldnt you keep it in English?

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Be cool!

    I know!! I came up with Se listo! Come bien! Sounds a bit amateurish for my taste, but at list flows better than the many more I thought before. I would use canchero too
    I like the idea of using cool and a new Spanish accepted word but... Se cool! ... does it sound good? I need to clear my mind and get back at it with a refreshed brain.
    Thanks a lot for your reply, it reassured me that I am not alone in this crazy translating boat

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Be cool!

    I think that be cool in this case is more related to "wise" or "clever" rather than "canchero". Something more like "Sé listo", "Aliméntate bien"
    Hope it helms

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Be cool!

    "Onda" can also be applied in this case: "ˇNo pierdas la onda!" ˇAliméntate bien!" How does that sound?

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Be cool!

    Thank you everyone! I like "No pierdas la onda" a lot!!! This is the first time I use this web site and I can tell I will be back
    Thanks to all who replied, I really appreciate your input.

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