Hi, need help in translating a text for a brochure I am designing.
TEXT: thought-provoking designs
i tried online translator, word for word and i think it should be:
pensa-provocante desino
Any advise?
Hi, need help in translating a text for a brochure I am designing.
TEXT: thought-provoking designs
i tried online translator, word for word and i think it should be:
pensa-provocante desino
Any advise?
The online translator is way off!
I would say:
Diseños que incitan nuestros pensamientos
Diseños que incitan los pensamientos
In my opinion you should try in a translation ,not so much to translate the words but the message ,the idea that those words want to express .
The direct translation would be diseno que provoca pensamiento
The correct translation Diseno inspirador . Since inspiration trigers your thougts it would be equivalent to thought -provoking .
Agree with Sergi.
Hi! May I give another suggestion, a little more 'unattached': "diseños que echan a volar la imaginación"
May I suggest also "disenos que inspiran la imaginacion".Originally Posted by Aleli
or you could just say "diseños provocativos" - the idea is definitely there.
I think it should be even more simple: "Diseños creativos". Cheers
Un diseño creativo no necesariamente implica un diseño provocativo o que inspire o estimule la imaginacion, es simplemente un diseño diferente o innovador. Podría, por ser creativo, inspirar también la imaginación, pero la frase no sugiere eso a primera vista. Así que yo pondría un diseño estimulante si solo tengo espacio para una frase en el folleto, si tengo más espacio, entonces me iría por un diseño que estimula la imaginación.
Last edited by Cotty; 11-12-2010 at 03:14 PM.
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