I am translating the album "Monty Python's Previous Record" by Monty Python, but I don't have the lyrics in english of this song: Escuchar What Do You Do Quiz Monty Python - goear.com
Can anybody please transcribe the lyrics?
Thank you.
I am translating the album "Monty Python's Previous Record" by Monty Python, but I don't have the lyrics in english of this song: Escuchar What Do You Do Quiz Monty Python - goear.com
Can anybody please transcribe the lyrics?
Thank you.
What Do You?
Host ... Eric Idle
Lord Lupus ... Tom Schiller
Deaconess of Detroit ... Gilda Radner[SIGN reads WHAT DO YOU -- the word "DO" has a bull's-eye painted in the letter O. As innocuous game show music plays, we pull back and pan down to reveal a game show set with a host and two cheerful contestants. The fast-talking host, in a garish plaid suit, addresses the camera, his lengthy spiel punctuated by appropriate sound effects.]
Host: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to another edition of "What Do You [cuckoo]?" -- a new game show loosely based on all the old game shows. The rules are very simple. Each week, we shall ask a team of two personalities -- Lord Lupus ...
Lord Lupus: Hello.
Host: ... and the Deaconess of Detroit ...
Deaconess: Hello.
Host: ... a series of questions in either [bell] category, [buzzer] category, or special category [gunshot]. If they get it right, they get a [horn, shave-and-a-haircut]. And if they get the wrong answer, they get a [raspberry] from the studio audience.
At the end of the contest, they will hear this -- [prizefight bell] -- and they must stop immediately. At any point in the proceedings they may be given a [deep buzzer] which means they can ask for another question. Or if they hear a [alarm bell] -- it's the fire alarm.
When they want to interrupt a [multiple bells] question or a [buzzer] question but not a [gunshot] question, they must press their special buttons. Lord Lupus, will you press yours?
[Lord Lupus presses his button and we hear Goofy Tune #1]
And, Deaconess, yours.
[The Deaconess presses her button and we hear Goofy Tune #2]
If they get it right, they get fifteen points on the scoreboards here, four letters on the blackboard for each correct part, and a shot from our Mystery Gunner.
[As we hear the sound of an arrow flying through the air and making a springboard sound, the host watches an actual arrow fired into the bull's-eye of the game's sign overhead. Close shot of the arrow sticking out of the sign.]
Like so. In the event of a tie, I shall start the clock. [starts the clock which ticks loudly] Like so. [stops clock] And there will be a choice of either a [horn, shave-and-a-haircut] or a [raspberry] for the first of either the [Goofy Tune #1] contestant or the [Goofy Tune #2] contestant who can make the Golden Word "Birmingham" from his four letters.
And he will get a [crowd cheer] -- which means that he's this week's winner.
Right. Well, those, very simply, are the rules. We'll be back again same time next week. Till then, good-bye from Lord Lupus.
Lord Lupus: Goodbye!
Host: And from the Deaconess of Detroit.
Deaconess: Goodbye!
Host: And, from me, it's [cymbal crash plus Goofy Tune #3 with slide whistle as the host is shot in the belly with an arrow and falls backward in his chair, dead].
[Zoom in on the show's sign, then dissolve to a wider shot of the set, cameras, applauding audience, etc. SUPER: did you know .... The Computer Invented Itself]
Last edited by Magdalena Balibrea; 11-09-2010 at 06:47 PM.
Thank you so much!![]()
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