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Thread: Please is important! Help with a text!

  1. #1
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    Post Please is important! Help with a text!

    Hi, I'm new here. I am looking for someone to help me translate this text TO SPANISH. I'm desperate. It is for work of Anthropological and do not understand anything.

    Thank you very much and sorry for the time.

    The text is a bit long but I hope for help me a bit.

    Here is the text. I leave it in PDF:


  2. #2
    Forum User walterzev's Avatar
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    Default Re: Please is important! Help with a text!

    This is a 600 words text. You are not asking for help, but for a free translation job.

    I suggest you consider hiring a translator to do it.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Please is important! Help with a text!

    You can use the Google Translatoe Kit...it's free and user friendly. It won't be an accurate translation, but at least you can get an idea of what that text is about. Cheers.

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