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Thread: Can anybody transcript this audio's script, please? (English transcription)

  1. #1
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    Question Can anybody transcript this audio's script, please? (English transcription)

    I'm translating the album Monty Python's Previous Record, but to do it I need the english lyrics and I haven't got a few.
    So, can anybody at least transcript one? It's Meteorology, here you can listen it: Escuchar Meteorology Monty Python - goear.com

    Thank you very much.
    (Sorry for my English, I'm Spanish)

  2. #2
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can anybody transcript this audio's script, please? (English transcription)

    >>So, can anybody at least transcript one?<<

    Better: ...please transcribe…?

    -And now a word from a…ah man who claims he can forecast the weather simply by looking at the sky studying meteorological charts and taking barograph readings.
    -Uh…good evening.
    -Uh…is this a…a gift you were born with?
    -Ah, no, no. I went to meteorological college when I was sixteen. I spent four years there and then started work at the Meteorological Office where I’ve been for the last 20 years.
    -I see, yes, and, and just by that you can tell what the weather would be like in two or three days ahead?
    -Ah, well…I also study the current isometric charts and the new weather satellites are great help.
    -Yeah…and I suppose these satellites whiz around the world sending messages back to Earth which tell us what the weather is going to be like.
    -Oh, yes.
    -But then we’ll find that a lot of people are going to say this is just a lot of old wives’ tales.
    -Ah, well, no. We can be fairly accurate.
    -I mean, isn’t it just like people who say that if you get a…a couple of jet engines and some wings, you can fly?
    -Yes, well…I suppose it is.
    -Well, maybe one day we will fly, go out into the air, you’ll be able to use your charts and weather satellites to make sure is nice weather for us.
    -Well, that’s one of our main functions: Aviation Meteorology yeah………….[…I’m sorry]
    -I see. Well, thank you Mr. Tyndale who claims he can tell what the weather is going to be like by Meter-r-ology.
    -Oh, I got this one.
    -Our next guest on Stranger than Fiction has with him a small mechanism with a tube in one end called, strangely enough, a barrel, and attached to this is a small curved piece of metal which is worked by the finger and if pressed can –and this is the really amazing claim– make a small round piece of metal fly out of this barrel and into the air. Mr. Tappit, this object looks ingenious; ha…what do you call it?
    -It’s a clock.
    -And how does it work?
    -Uh…well it predict time by this *_____ _____and near, better not too near, the mouse-hole and when the mouse pops his head out, the mechanism comes down like that [noise] and then, there you have a…a reading light.

    * Perhaps someone else can help you with 1.49.
    Last edited by Cotty; 12-19-2010 at 02:34 PM.

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