Hello! Would someone be so kind and translate this into spanish? Context: A woman always keeps on looking on the "black" side of life. Would really appreciate it! Greets
Hello! Would someone be so kind and translate this into spanish? Context: A woman always keeps on looking on the "black" side of life. Would really appreciate it! Greets
Paranoica hasta que se / me muera / hasta la muerte... 100% paranoica...
I'm not sure if the definition of "alarmist" is an equivalent for "alarmist" in this case.
According to RAE, it's "Dicho de una persona: que hace cundir noticias alarmantes".
Hope it helps!
thanks a lot! I've also found "agonías" in colloquial. Could this be used too?
Well, agonías is not that common in Argentina, but I think it means "whiner" rather than "alarmist"... I would go with paranoica, quejosa (colloquially, a whiner in Argentina) or you can google the frequency of usage.
I would have to see the whole context to give you an exact answer...
In your sentence alarmista falls into the second defintion of the DRAE and it fits your context.
Alarmista hasta la muerte no?
Agonías is a plural noun and it doesn't fit your sentence structurally because there is no agreement. According to the DRAE agonía in singular refers to a pesimist, so technically it could fit your context.
I don't like agonía because it doesn't sound good to me. But it might sound OK to other people.
I stick to alarmista because it is the direct equivalent of alarmist and it fits your context of: A woman always keeps on looking on the "black" side of life.
thanks a lot for all your replys!![]()
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