Tengo que hacer una redacción sobre el cambio climático y me gustaría saber si tengo algún error antes de dársela al profesor.
"Nowadays climate change, global warming and the greenhouse effect have come to be one of the most important issues to worry about. In fact, Al Gore’s movies and his efforts to educate the public about global warming in United States have been very successful.
Firstly, although I am not agree with the general idea that climate change is manmade, especially after seeing the movie The great global warming swindle – a documentary that shows a few scientific errors that are important in Al Gore’s films –, there are several things we can do to protect our environment, and make our lives better.
For example, we can recycle paper, paperboard and glass and plant more trees to avoid deforestation. We can also use alternative energies like wind energy and solar power so we pollute less and more important we rely less on petrol.
In conclusion, we have to be concern about our environment and the real causes that change our climate just to make our lives and the future generations better and not to rely on the energies of other countries."