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Thread: Short message I need to send to a Facebook contact who's chilean

  1. #1
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    Post Short message I need to send to a Facebook contact who's chilean

    Hi! I'm Alessandro from Italy and I would be very grateful if someone would help me with this message. I know nothing about spanish, so I don't even try to translate it (sorry). I had tried to send him a message in english, but I didn't received an answer (though he accepted my friendship request), so I figured let's try with one in spanish.

    Hi ---! I'm interested in your name on Twitter (---) and since I saw that you're not using your account, I was wondering if you would change your current user name in something like --- (or anyone you like, really). It's very simple: Log in to Twitter > From the upper right hand drop-down menu, click settings > Change the name listed in your username field on the first page you see there (the name I suggested you is available) > Save your changes. Thanks and let me know!

    There's also a possibility that the message in english is not perfect, so I would appreciate any help with it.
    And about the instructions in spanish this is a link from twitter: Twitter Help Center | How To Change Your Username
    Last edited by Muller; 04-25-2011 at 03:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Cotty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Short message I need to send to a Facebook contact who's chilean

    Hi ---! I'm interested in getting your user name on Twitter (---) and since I saw that you're not using your account, I was wondering if you would change your current user name to something like --- (or anyone you like, really). The way to do it is very simple: Log in on Twitter > From the upper right hand drop-down menu, click settings > Change the name listed in your username field on the first page you see there (the name I suggested to you is available) > Save your changes. Thanks and let me know!

    Hola ---! Estoy interesado en tu nombre de usuario en Twitter (---) y como veo que no usas tu cuenta, quisiera saber si podrías cambiar tu nombre de usuario actual por algo así como --- (o en realidad, cualquiera que te guste). Realizar el cambio de nombre de usuario es muy sencillo: Entra en tu cuenta de Twitter > En el menú de la parte superior derecha, elige configuración (settings) > Cambia el nombre que aparece en el campo de nombre de usuario en la primera página que te aprezca (el nombre que te sugerí está disponible) > Guarda los cambios. Gracias y mantenme al tanto de esto!
    Last edited by Cotty; 04-25-2011 at 06:06 PM.

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