I need help with a short translation from English to Mexican style Spanish for a lyric to a song I'm writing. Here's the line in English:
But I can see your heart upon your face, (I can) hear it with/in each of your steps. Can you feel mine (my heart) shine through you?
Note: The words in parentheses ( ) are for your benefit only and are NOT part of the actual English lyric. Also, I only need to use either "with" or "in", whichever of these makes more sense in Spanish, not both.
Here's what I got from using the internet to translate my line:
Pero puedo ver tu corazón sobre tu cara, se puedo oír en cada uno de tus pasos. ¿Puedes sentir mina brillando a través de usted?
Is the internet translation wrong?
Here's what I got from other people on this site:
puedo ver lo que siente tu corazón reflejado en tu rostro;
Lo escucho en cada paso que tú das;
¿Puedes sentir mi corazón resplandecer sobre tí?
Is this translation accurate? It seems a little different than what I'm saying in English.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!