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Thread: Spanish OPI

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Spanish OPI

    For school I am trying to learn about por and para. Problem is I have been absent for a good 2 weeks and my spanish teacher doesn't seem to give a crap. If anyone could help me out with "por y para." I would love it. My OPI is tommorow and I have to memorise all this by tonight. Please help a fellow student out. My current sentences are:

    "I wake up at 7 in the morning."
    "I eat breakfast."
    "I brush my teeth."
    "I take a shower."
    "I dry myself off with a towel."
    "I get dressed for school."
    "I go to school on my bus."
    "I love my spanish class."
    "I leave school to come home."
    "Then I chill for a bit."
    "I then go to sleep."
    "This is my life."

    I will be speaking really slowly too because I am not the brightest crayon in the box so to speak. If someone could attack this for me I would give out much respect. As well as help others in the future with other kinds of hw.

    I can't stand spanish/algebra honors. They are my toughest classes and no matter how much I study and crack a book I am to far behind to learn what the class is up too. I plead for assistance. Much love, peace.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Don’t despair Obsession. It gets easier as you go along. Here is the translation of the sentences for your Spanish OPI . Hope it helps.

    I wake up at 7 in the morning."= Me levanto a las 7 de la mañana
    "I eat breakfast.": Tomo el desayuno
    "I brush my teeth.": me cepillo los dientes
    "I take a shower." Tomo una ducha
    "I dry myself off with a towel." Me seco con una toalla
    "I get dressed for school." Me visto para ir al colegio
    "I go to school on my bus." Voy al colegio en mi autobús
    "I love my spanish class." Me encanta mi clase de castellano
    "I leave school to come home." Salgo del colegio para mi casa
    "Then I chill for a bit." Tomo un bocado
    "I then go to sleep." Y luego voy a dormir
    "This is my life." Esa es mi vida

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

  3. #3
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    Thanks alot man. I better start memorising this shit now. Hope I don't freak out like I usually do when she hits the record button. I don't do to well under pressure at least in classes.

    Thanks thanks and did I mention, Thanks!!!

  4. #4
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Good Luck. Keep it cool and you’ll do just fine. Let´s make a deal . Next time, you make a translation attempt and then I’ll do the corrections OK?

    PS. Do let me know how you OPI goes

    Truly, my dear young friends, you are a chosen generation. I hope you will never forget it.
    Gordon B. Hinckley

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