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Thread: Quantum

  1. #1
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    Default Quantum

    I need some help with the translations of the following words: "quantum breakthroughs". The context is The catch is that quantum breakthroughs require quantum develop mental efforts.
    and the other is:
    "Job on, job Off" , context: the use of job-on job-off and pre-job change meetings to organize the work to be done and the use of checklists to assure completeness of events are key areas that well performed will reduce set-up times.
    thanks, isa

  2. #2
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    Default Try this

    El enfoque is que los avances cuanticos requiren esfuerzo mental en desarollo cuantico

    o puedes usar

    cantidad de avances requieren esfuerzo mental en desarrollo cuantico


    Quote Originally Posted by isavendra
    I need some help with the translations of the following words: "quantum breakthroughs". The context is The catch is that quantum breakthroughs require quantum develop mental efforts.
    and the other is:
    "Job on, job Off" , context: the use of job-on job-off and pre-job change meetings to organize the work to be done and the use of checklists to assure completeness of events are key areas that well performed will reduce set-up times.
    thanks, isa

  3. #3
    Senior Member Hebe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by isavendra
    I need some help with the translations of the following words: "quantum breakthroughs". The context is The catch is that quantum breakthroughs require quantum develop mental efforts.
    I might be wrong but I think that in this case the word “quantum” is used just to described something very small .. so would translate the phrase as follows

    El truco está en que pequeños descubrimientos requieren el desarrollo de pequeños esfuerzos mentales

    I hope it helps

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  4. #4
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    I agree w/ Hebe. "Quantum" is the smallest unit of something.

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